Changes for older versions only. Changes for the current version can be found on the change log page.
LLX/Lightning: Lightning Launcher eXtreme (includes and replaces LL)
LL: Lightning Launcher (discontinued)
LLS: Lightning Launcher Setup (discontinued)
TH: Tiny Home, ancestor of Lightning Launcher (discontinued)
Lightning v14.2 / 2910 2017-12-24 18:17
- Merry Christmas !
Lightning v14.2b3 / 2909 2017-12-23 09:01
- Fix the back key behavior in the app drawer
- Fix an issue with action bar and tabs overlap
- Fix a crash when trying to select the default launcher
- Minor fix for SVG image recognition
Lightning v14.2b2 / 2903 2017-12-19 06:43
- Fix for Oreo adaptive icons
- Rework of the translations loader, due to changes in build system
- Minor change in how system bars are handled in Oreo
- Built with newest Android tools
Lightning v14.2b1 / 2896 2017-03-01 06:34
- Support for a subset of SVG images in apps, shortcuts and backgrounds, along with binding and scripting features
Lightning v14.1.5 / 2893 2017-02-15 20:53
- Fix a bug that could lead to a crash when using the z-index property in bindings
- Fix an issue with stop point reach event not being able to store more than one action
- Fix a minor issue with template loading
- Fix nine patches on Android 7+
- Check z-index value in bindings (display an error message and prevent crash)
Lightning v14.1.4 / not released
Lightning v14.1.3 / 2883 2017-01-26 10:45
- Fix multiple app add from app drawer when these apps are in folders
- Fix a crash when trying to edit folder settings of a app drawer folder linked on a desktop
- Fix a bug that could happen while using the close all folders action in the app startup event
- Prevent scripts to set a null intent to shortcut
Lightning v14.1.2 / 2879 2016-12-24 10:10
- Fix a bug that could prevent some scripts to execute properly
Lightning v14.1.1 / 2878 2016-12-21 17:01
- Minor bug fix related to z-order
Lightning v14.1 / 2876 2016-12-21 15:24
- Improved behavior of chained actions when changing desktop
- Workaround for the status bar always displayed in the app drawer when running the search (enforced by the system when displaying the keyboard)
- In the app drawer, allow the search to work on all apps, even if the “Alphabetical mode” is disabled
- Fix the clickable property
- Fix the user variable selection dialog
- Other minor bugfixes
Lightning v14.1b2 / 2869 2016-12-19 09:38
- Miscellaneous improvements in the new action configuration screen
- Fix alphabetical sort of items using html in their label
- Fix a few crashes
Lightning v14.1b1 / 2867 2016-12-15 13:16
- Support for configuring multiple actions per event
- New startup event
- Events in the general settings can now be accessed from the Configuration API
Lightning v14.0.2 / 2862 2016-11-28 11:35
- Fix preview issue with large font in the font picker
- Fix multi-selection removal in app drawer
- Fix some issues when merging templates (fonts not imported, widget not reloaded with data if available)
- Fix back key behavior with panels
Lightning v14.0.1 / 2851 2016-11-21 18:20
- More consistent behavior when adding items
- Fix an issue with app drawer customization when the My Drawer category has been disabled
- Fix an issue with bookmark creation
- Fix some translations issues
- Fix a script error reporting issue linked with interruptions (alert, confirm, various other cases)
- Detect LWP key without restart
Lightning v14 / 2825 2016-11-17 13:07
- Not anymore a beta!
Lightning v14b7 / 2823 2016-11-15 09:40
- Fix the value of $screenwidth and $screenheight variables
- Improved support for overlay views (video, opengl, etc) although not perfect
- A few more minor bug fixes
Lightning v14b6 / 2814 2016-11-11 10:06
- Hide the Lightning LWP when editing its desktop
- When creating items through script, make sure there size is immediately available
- A couple of new script APIs for subclassing items and help in using code library
- Fix an issue with icon loading in the image picker
- Fix changing item properties when using multi selection
- Fix issues with wallpaper position
- Fix issues with icon saving
- Fixed a few other minor bugs
Lightning v14b5 / 2789 2016-11-05 09:57
- Improved handling of nine patch loaded from resources
- Fix an issue with backup on Android 7+ (temporary fix)
- Fix a bug when entering the desktop settings screen with a special combination of resume event/action
Lightning v14b4 / 2781 2016-11-03 10:17
- New feature: use any of your desktop as a live wallpaper
- Support for Android 7.1 App Shortcuts
- More explicit customize screen title
- Allow the container menu to be customized too
- Direct script selection for actions that are meant to be used with scripts (menus)
- In the script picker, ability to filter scripts using the path
- Basic builtin widget picker, using Florian Sundermann’s implementation.
- Add a path parameter to the runScript API
- Fix widget issues when used in panels on Android 5+
- Fix some resources not being saved for the app drawer in template (icon layers, box background, action bar background)
- Fix LL.getCurrentDesktop() when called from a background script
- When starting the script editor, don’t create a new script if the last one has been deleted, and there are other scripts in the parent directories
- A few bug fixes
Lightning v14b3 / 2749 2016-10-26 10:33
- In the “Add item” dialog, it is now possible to choose between built-ins or plugins objects, where plugins are provided by script APKs
- Add support for customizing the content of the item popup menu (and possibly its style too)
- Allow builtin preference tools to be used from scripts (those used in the app’s settings screen)
- Made the geometry box a bit wider
- Modified the getScriptByName for better compatibility, and so that the usage of a path is explicit: use getScriptByPathAndName when a path is given. Same for runScript.
- Updated icon font (really minor differences)
- Fix a bug where icon or background may not load immediately
- Fix the script editor not opening the last used script if the “include sub directories” option is checked.
- Fix the properties box size upon screen rotation
- Fix long back and menu key press on Android N
- Fix a few crashes
Lightning v14b2 / 2715 2016-10-15 17:39
- Scripts can now be classified in folders. This is easier to keep scripts organized, in particular when importing or merging templates
- In the popup menu, display “Restart Lightning” instead of “Kill” when appropriate
- New file and directory picker (used for picking fonts and script directory)
- Smaller text in the geometry box, in order to limit wordwrap
- Fix template merging
- Fix a bug when using the “Go home” action in the app drawer
- Fix a small glitch when moving the geometry box
- Fix access to the app drawer container from script, when called outside of the app drawer screen
- Fix untransled texts in the binding edit dialog
Lightning v14b1 / 2702 2016-10-12 14:05
- Reworked the way the getActiveScreen() function works, so that it is more predictable and easier to use
- Improved management of folders in background scripts
- Optimized change of the scrolling direction property
- Fix item properties modification under some conditions (container being reloaded after items are retrieved through script)
- Fix detaching items through a script when the active screen doesn’t contain the item
- Fix the alpha property changes taken into account but not immediately visible
- Fix the box background image not always being immediately updated
- Fix an issue when using runScript() when the target container for the event is removed during the calling script execution
- Fix a crash that could happen sometimes when long tapping on an item and removing/updating it through script at the same time
Lightning v14a11 / 2686 2016-10-08 10:07
- Fix a bug in the app drawer (was causing crashes in various circumstances like refresh, edit, etc.)
Lightning v14a10 / 2684 2016-10-07 11:40
- Fix a crash when tapping on the app drawer and lightning shortcuts from the app drawer
- Fix a crash in the app drawer after a configuration change and a mode change
- Fix a refresh issue in the app drawer (items seem to move when opening the screen)
- Fix an issue when adding an item by script in some situations (symptom: null pointer exception)
- Fix issue with z-index changes after item modification through script
- Fix a group of bugs that could lead to various script errors (inconsistent items)
- Fix an error occurring when using F43nd1r’s App Drawer in any container script
- Disable an optimization when modifying items cell through script
Lightning v14a9 / 2669 2016-10-05 14:19
- New experimental action bar API (see ActivityScreen.showActionBar())
- Move Lightning.runScript(screen, name, data) to Screen.runScript(name, data)
- Move Lightning.createImage and createAnimation functions to Image. For instance use Image.createImage(100, 100)
- New Lightning functions : getHomeScreen, getAppDrawerScreen, getLockScreen, getFloatingScreen, getBackgroundScreen, getIconsTypeface
- New Image.createTextIcon to create high res icons from a symbol typeface
- Allow scripts run in background to access all items and containers (was broken)
- Fix panel position on first edit
- Fix some issues when displaying a desktop in a folder or panel
- Fix an issue when launching an app from the desktop load event
- Fix a crash when displaying a script error in some context
- Fix bindings not updated after modification of container settings
- Fix container settings for the user menu
- Fix open folder action on the floating desktop when the target folder is on another desktop
- Fix bookmarks when panel or folder is involved
Lightning v14a8 / 2656 2016-09-29 15:00
- Fix wrong list of desktops in the hierarchy screen just after a new setup
- Fix a memory leak when editing panels
- Move the API “HomeScreen.getCurrentDesktop()” to “Screen.getCurrentDesktop()
- Fix several issues when the “Don’t keep activities” android developer option is set
- Fix some issues with the event management in script (sample symptom: LL.getEvent().getItem() returns null after a timeout)
- Fix possible flicker and position reset when modifying containers
- Fix issues with items references becoming invalid in script, usually after some property change
- The script method getEventScreen() has been removed, please use getEvent().getScreen() instead
- Various fixes in the API documentation
Lightning v14a7 / 2641 2016-09-22 18:14
- Fix a crash when entering edit mode and edit bars are hidden
- Fix the user menu
- Fix a crash that could appear when removing a desktop
Lightning v14a6 / 2640 2016-09-22 12:58
- Fix lockscreen
- Fix desktop preview in the “Configure desktops” screen
Lightning v14a5 / 2639 2016-09-22 11:26
- Startup optimization, should be visible in particular in the app drawer
- A few new launch animations
- The default launch animation is now back to “System”
- Build fix, solves script methods not found in Screen objects
- Fix some crash when launching an app from the app drawer search
- Fix app filtering in the app drawer when dealing with folders
- Fix various minor bugs
Lightning v14a4 / 2622 2016-09-16 14:10
- Fix issues with panel/folder naming in menus, hints, settings screen, most notably when sharing the same container
- Fix a crash that could be seen when the app is stopped by Android
- Fix the goToDesktopPosition API
- Fix item sorting in the app drawer folders
- Fix animate computation with values of type long (overflow)
- Fix container settings screen in case of multiple use
- Fix picking a script as action for an event in the general settings
- Fix endless recursion when using scripts triggered by bindings
- Fix a memory leak
- In the app drawer, launching “Lightning Launcher” open the main settings screen
- Rename “Restart app” action to “Restart Lightning”
Lightning v14a3 / 2614 2016-09-12 23:17
- Fix Container.setPosition
- Fix CustomView.getView
- Fix various issues with container recursion
- Fix screen rotation on devices 4.3 and earlier
- Fix set variable action when not run from an item
- Fix opening folders from the app drawer on the desktop
- Fix move of several items out of a folder in the app drawer
- Fix some crashes when using screen off/on events in some situations
- Fix various issues with the user menu
- Fix addition of new items when using an icon pack
- Possible fix for frozen widgets (don’t know)
Lightning v14a2 / 2606 2016-09-10 11:15
- Fix issues with bindings that could cause a crash at startup
- Fix crashes with the user menu
- Fix crashes when using the zoom actions in some situations
- Fix bad folder title color binding
Lightning v14a1 / 2605 2016-09-09 09:40
- Internal architecture overhaul, please refer to Changes beteen v12.9.1 and v14 for details
Lightning v12.9.1 / 2583 2016-07-10 13:01
- Fix for some properties not being saved on some items (for instance pin mode on widget)
Lightning v12.9 / 2577 2016-06-22 10:09
- Disable the user menu in the app drawer
- Fix unwanted animation when switching categories in the app drawer and there is only one category available
- Fix position of newly installed apps in the app drawer when scrolling direction is set to horizontal only
- Fix the alpha property not saved on some items
- Solve home activity being launched twice at startup on some configurations
- Add excludeFromRecents to lock screen
Lightning v12.9b3 / 2571 2016-05-31 09:54
- Set the selection effect of newly created panel to plain in order to avoid unwanted ripples on Android 5+
- Fix custom views loading in the floating desktop
- Fix a crash that could possibly happen from time to time when leaving edit mode
- Fix an issue with excessive CPU usage after dragging an item
- Fix long tap & move in panels and not in edit mode
- Fix a small glitch when moving item
- Fix selected items count
Lightning v12.9b2 / 2560 2016-05-27 11:00
- Fix a script bug in Item.setBinding which could cause some bindings to become frozen
- Fix an issue related to “unclickable” items when using nested scrolling panel
- Fix a crash that could be seen when leaving edit mode
- Fix the ability to select multiple items when multi selection mode is off
- Fix the “Add icon” action when not in edit mode (enforce edit mode)
- Fix a crash happening when editing items with scripts set on pause/resume events
- Speedup edit grid rendering
- Removed the lock/unlock icon from the edit bottom bar
- Add a hint when locking the desktop
- Tuning of the selection box to make it more readable
Lightning v12.9b1 / 2548 2016-05-23 12:47
- Icon normalization
- Multi-selection in the editor
- Subclassing is now possible in scripts, thanks to Lukas Morawietz
- Fix the folder’s title not updating when changed through a binding or script
Lightning v12.8.1 / 2521 2016-01-14 09:44
- Fix crash when toggling snapping while moving an item in edit mode
- Fix crashes and completion issues in the script editor
Lightning v12.8 / 2514 2015-12-22 17:03
- Fix handling of the “Use desktop size” option in panels
- Fix issues with script editor scrolling
- Fix issue with help on suggested completions in the script editor
Lightning v12.8b4 / 2510 2015-12-19 17:42
- Completed Android 6 permission management
- More refinements related to panel edit mode
- Various script editor improvements: allow fling, allow screen rotation, keep in the list of recent apps, long tap on suggestions to get online help, scroll to the right line number upon script error
- Fix a crash when selecting a custom font
- Fix issue with edit bars not showing in edit mode
- Fix the size of newly added stop points
- Don’t display a message when editing an empty panel
- Reduce memory used by folder backgrounds (regression)
Lightning v12.8b3 / 2493 2015-12-15 17:05
- In fullscreen edit mode for panels, display the boundaries of the actual panel, fix the margin at the top
- More seamless and accurate fullscreen panel edition
- Split the icon size mode “Full scale” in “Full scale, keep ratio” and “Full scale, stretched”
- Allow width and height change in the image cropper
- Option to disable the floating desktop when locked
- Fix seamless mode in edit mode for panels and folders
- Try to detect and avoid unwanted script recursion
- Fix issue with the display of script errors in background on Android 6
- Various bug fixes
Lightning v12.8b2 / 2480 2015-12-11 20:32
- Fix for panel edition when seamless mode is on
Lightning v12.8b1 / 2477 2015-12-11 14:40
- Support for full screen panel edition (consider this experimental)
- Support for animated GIFs in icons
- New “Size mode” option for more icon flexibility (standard size, real size, full scale)
- In the image picker, always allow cropping
- Improved scripted image management
- Add script LL.cropImage
- More control over containers bounding box using scripts (Container.setBoundingBox, Container.updateBoundingBox)
- Fix antique bugs in the icon reflection when using size and scale parameters
- Fix capitals in «Script Editor»
- Fix scroll into the hierarchy screen while the target is a nested container (expand containers recursively)
- Do not save styles with no name
Lightning v12.7 / 2436 2015-12-02 16:22
- Minor bug fix
Lightning v12.7b6 / 2434 2015-11-25 11:17
- More Android 6 “adaptations”
- Allow HTML in folders title too
- Remove HTML tags from shortcuts names
- Add hierarchy screen button tooltip
- Fix an issue with desktop modifications not saved upon restart from settings
- Fix a crash when moving an item in the hierarchy screen in some situations
Lightning v12.7b5 / 2422 2015-11-12 08:17
- Adjust text page indicator output
- Add LL.getFloatingDesktop API
- With seamless mode, better behavior when entering edit mode regarding the edit position
- Add long tap hints on HS buttons
- New action “Open the hierarchy screen”
- Fix floating desktop on Android 6
- Fix position of newly added item (visible when adding a folder in the app drawer for instance)
- Fix an issue with object position saving
Lightning v12.7b4 / 2413 2015-10-29 11:44
- Display the full item name upon long press (and drop) on an item in the hierarchy screen (HS)
- Display the launch animation option for shortcut items only
- Coherent name convention in the HS
- Automatically open and scroll the active container in the HS, when opened from the popup menu
- More compact buttons in the HS
- Aligned icons in the HS
- Display the Edit button for desktops too in the HS
- Fix HS in the app drawer
- Fix issues with the HS content not being in sync with desktops
- Fix drag&drop of a container item at the same place in the HS
- Possible fix for panel scrolling issue
Lightning v12.7b3 / 2407 2015-10-27 10:58
- New hierarchy screen, available from a new button in the bottom edit bar and from the popup menu
- Add a simple launch animation option (in item miscellaneous options)
- Allow HTML in labels
- Revert changes related to the edit bars that causes issues
- Optimizations
- Don’t show the “(no icon pack)” entry in the image picker
- In the app drawer the current item visibility mode is displayed in bold text
- Updated container edit icon
- Fix internal ll_hour24 variable formating
- Fix several script classes visibility issues
- Fix pause and resume container events after some scripted modification
Lightning v12.7b2 / 2390 2015-10-19 18:04
- Fix various crashes related to the app drawer
Lightning v12.7b1 / 2389 2015-10-19 14:36
- Allow the selection of the Google account in the unread gmail dynamic text
- Add .lla to the default archive name. Lightning will also be able to handle .lla file opening from other file manager.
- Add Toast to the list of known script classes
- Add Container.showAddItemDialog
- Add “Item added” and “Item removed” events (experimental)
- Add “Clickable” binding item property
- Add bindings modification script API
- When selecting a plain color for the desktop wallpaper, set scale to fit automatically
- Automatically apply the icon pack to newly added icons
- Tuning of the way the icon scale parameter is used when applying an icon pack
- Icon pack script API (Container.applyIconPack, Container.removeCustomIcons, new iconPack property)
- Fix the overlap of the properties box with the bottom bar in edit mode when the optional top bar is shown
- Fix floating desktop documentation links
- Fix a crash when adding a dynamic text
- Fix translations in the floating desktop
- Fix a flew glitches with edit bars animation
- Fix width and height binding properties in detached mode
Lightning v12.6 / 2360 2015-09-17 10:15
- Change the order of folder resume/open sequence in order to fix Lutz Material Folder script
- Immediately apply settings for the floating desktop
- Fix reset of item background image
- Don’t access Google services when hotword detection is disabled
- Fix merge of template (
- Disable restart upon time zone change
- Fix an issue with the floating desktop being paused even when displayed
Lightning v12.6b5 / 2348 2015-07-18 21:35
- Fix crash in settings
Lightning v12.6b4 / 2347 2015-07-17 07:08
- Add an option to turn on or off hardware acceleration (per item option, in the misc. category)
- Fix update of builtin variables when the floating desktop is displayed but the app is itself hidden
- Fix font style binding
- Fix binding animation bug
- Try to filter time zone changes
Lightning v12.6b3 / 2335 2015-07-09 10:46
- Fix for folders being inactive when using them at the same time in the floating desktop and elsewhere
- Fix launch of own screens (script editor, settings, app drawer, etc.) from the floating desktop
- Fix issues with floating desktop rotation change
- Fix pause and suspend management of floating desktop
- Fix a crash when batch adding apps from an app drawer folder
- Fix box color accessor from script
- Show and hide floating desktops shortcuts are now executed without displaying the launcher (shortcuts need to be recreated)
- Option to set floating desktop handles width
- Option to display a folder at the origin when opening it, or at the first icon in the top/left corner
- Speedup for scripted change of the system bars color
- Upon time zone change, stop the launcher instead of restarting it
- Translation improvements
Lightning v12.6b2 / 2320 2015-06-29 14:51
- Fix a crash when using Zoom actions in the container load event
- Fix white background
- Fix custom views script execution
Lightning v12.6b1 / 2317 2015-06-29 11:09
- Floating desktop
Lightning v12.5.2 / 2313 2015-06-29 11:09
- The app is now restarted when the system time zone is changed, in order to take changes into account
- In the app drawer, “My drawer” view, the delete button in the menu is replaced with a button to uninstall the app
- Fix the animate function (interpolator not taken into account when using 4 parameters)
- Fix a rounding error when using animate in bindings
- Trim variable names when setting it from Tasker
- Fix a crash at startup if using NaN in bindings
- Make JavaAdapter available to scripts
Lightning v12.5.1 / 2298 2015-06-22 17:15
- Restore old folders behavior with respect to the home position
- Fix script Container.moveItem return value
Lightning v12.5 / 2282 2015-06-21 21:18
- Add script Container.moveItem()
- Better textual representation of undefined results (in bindings or scripts)
- Fix a crash when using binding formula with a ‘$’ character at the end
- Fix a memory leak
Lightning v12.5b10 / 2276 2015-06-19 09:46
- Activated the experimental license check
- Disable folder auto scroll to the top/left item, the origin is now always the home position at 0/0
- Fix an issue where items changes could be lost when modifying the container from script
- Fix an issue with text alignment not updated immediately (from script)
- Fix a bug with color parsing
- Fix a bug with binding edition where bindings could be incorrectly set to the container
Lightning v12.5b9 / 2260 2015-06-08 14:50
- Make the visibility property persistent (it can only be changed from script or bindings)
- Fix a bug with image handling (seen in particular cases, such as frequent updates)
- Fix a crash that could occur when restoring a backup or template
- Fix issues when selecting some actions such as script, set variable, open folder
Lightning v12.5b8 / 2254 2015-06-05 18:50
- Fix a scripting bug related to panel property edition
Lightning v12.5b7 / 2251 2015-06-05 14:20
- Ability to set the box properties using bindings
- Fix a crash when an item is resized above 2048×2048 pixels on Android 4+
- Fix Image.update
- Fix LL.pickImage
- Fix date and time values not always available for bindings right upon app start
- Fix date and time values sometimes updated up to one minute late (when the app is paused)
- Fix double tap on back key to exit from the app drawer
- Fix configuration of events at the container and item levels
- Fix (maybe?) material selection effect
- Fix some crashes
Lightning v12.5b6 / 2241 2015-05-25 12:01
- Script: add Container.cloneItem
- Fix a drawing bug (item background not being redrawn correctly)
- Fix an issue with incorrect desktop duplication in some particular situation
- Fix an issue with app visibility change not taken into account immediately in the app drawer
- Fix issues with dynamic text configuration
- Fix a crash when attempting to use the set variable action from an event without source item
- Fix a “ConcurrentModificationException” bug in scripts
Lightning v12.5b5 / 2230 2015-05-22 10:58
- New transparency handling: fixes animation bugs, more efficient on newer Android versions (not 2.x)
- Add a timestamp variable (seconds since January 1st 1970)
- When the geometry box has been moved out of the view, toggling it will move it back in the screen
- Better color handling with bindings: text values starting with 0x and # are converted to colors
- When using the Lightning Action “Set a variable”, the value is now evaluated as a JavaScript expression like in bindings
- Add a switch in the bottom edit bar to display hidden items (invisible and with low transparency)
- Add a new Z-Index item property usable with bindings
- Faster/better handling of Z-Index change from script
- Fix loading of template (the launcher was recreating the default setup in some situations)
- Fix a crash when trying to run a non existent script
- Fix an inconsistent list of bindings when switching between items
- Fix several issues when moving items with bindings from a container to another
- Fix a bug where shortcut properties (icon, font) where not saved in styles
- Fix the translation of the menu in the main settings screen
- Some minor modifications of the default setup
Lightning v12.5b4 / 2213 2015-05-15 18:46
- Fix item tap in panels
Lightning v12.5b3 / 2211 2015-05-15 14:30
- Fix scripts not loaded
Lightning v12.5b1 / 2209 2015-05-15 10:45
- New feature: bindings. Animate items properties using variables.
Lightning v12.4.2 / 2198 2015-04-23 17:30
- Show per desktop events options not depending on expert mode
- In the image picker, search by name is applied anywhere in icons name
- Save the properties box height, so that it is restored after a restart
- Don’t display the properties box automatically when entering edit mode
- In the app drawer 3 dots menu, display edit buttons even when the mode is not “My Drawer”, and automatically switch to this mode if needed
- Fix a memory leak
- Fix an issue when moving item in normal mode and rotation is enabled
- Fix several bugs with the properties box not updated as it should
- Fix issues with folder background not being refreshed until an app restart
Lightning v12.4.1 / 2196 2015-04-19 12:57
- Correctly handle color transparency for inner dots in the page indicator
- Fix user menu icons not working when scripts are disabled
- Automatically disable seamless mode when moving items
- Remove “reached event” in item properties (it should only be in the stop point category)
- Remove positions options that shouldn’t be visible for dynamic text
- Fix blank screen when swiping in the general settings screen
- Fix various texts and translations
- Fix item selection after cloning
- Fix the script error dialog not displaying the right script
- Fix various crashes
Lightning v12.4 / 2178 2015-04-14 17:41
- Allow items to be moved in the App Drawer, while not in edit mode and in the My Drawer view, as in other regular desktops
- Make the “Toggle hidden” menu item appear in all app drawer modes
- Fix an issue with icon downscaling resulting in poor image quality (depends on Android version / screen characteristics)
- Fix custom view size issue when the default for the container is to detach items
- Fix the image picker icon list not being refreshed correctly when trying to load a broken ADW icon pack
- Fix wrong edit bars size because of orientation change
- Fix the keyboard automatically hiding when trying to edit a color hex code
- Fix a few crashes
Lightning v12.4b7 / 2173 2015-04-10 17:50
- Allow the edit bars to overlap the content by long pressing on the bottom/right arrow button
- Tapping on the properties title will display it in a toast (useful when the title is truncated and cannot be read)
- Fix popup menu positioning (again)
- Fix last two buttons orders in the configure desktop screen
- Fix long press haptic feedback while not in edit mode
- Fix a crash when moving an item with the swap option enabled
- Ensure edit bars are always shown when tapping on the “Properties…” menu item, and fix a bug where the box wouldn’t appear even if the bars were visible
- Fix a bug where dynamic text options could be greyed because the “Display label” option is unchecked at the container level
- Fix a couple of crashes
Lightning v12.4b6 / 2165 2015-04-09 18:40
- Fix a crash when entering edit mode without a selected item
- Ensure the properties box has always a valid size
- Fix the “Delete” button in the popup menu being enabled in the app drawer for items that shouldn’t be removed
Lightning v12.4b5 / 2163 2015-04-09 12:11
- Dynamic handle size in edit mode so that the inner area has always a minimum size, but handles can grow a bit when enough space is available
- In the configure desktop screen, add long tap hints on icon buttons, update some icon, and add a clone button
- Fix an issue with the popup menu overlapping the target icon
- Fix an issue with item drag&drop when not in edit mode
- Fix a crash when tapping on a hint
- Fix bad display of hints
- Fix crash when adding some items not in edit mode
- Fix issues when moving small items not in edit mode
Lightning v12.4b4 / 2156 2015-04-08 21:35
- Deep rework of the popup menu…
- The “Auto edit mode” is now set to off by default. Items can now be moved without entering the edit mode.
- The properties box position can be toggled top/bottom
- Add the honor pinned item position in the edit bar, and remove it from the general settings screen
- Better action label in Tasker (display data)
- Move the “UP” action in the image picker into a new button near the path, this also fixes a bug when switching to the “launcher images” view
- When loading a background image, Lightning will now select the upper scale when downscaling. Any item size change will also force a background image reload so that the scale is updated too
- Fix top and bottom margin issues after a screen rotation
- Fix display of script error when run in background
- Fix edit bar bottom right button arrow position
- Fix a few bugs regarding the override checkbox for some options
- Fix the large unused space seen at the left of the preferences on some devices
- Fix the settings screen not always being directed to the right folder or panel when called from the popup menu
- Fix an issue with box border size not being set to 0 correctly
- Fix the stop point properties list being scrolled to top on each modification
- Fix the popup menu being drawn under edit bars (a Lollipop issue only)
- Fix the script disabled flag not being saved correctly
- Fix the page indicator being pinned in edit mode in the app drawer regardless of the “Honor pinned item” option
- Internal file picker bug fix
- A few crash fixes
Lightning v12.4b3 / 2144 2015-04-04 21:15
- Fix system and edit bars position
- Fix for bad layout scaling when entering edit mode
- Fix app drawer edit actions
- Fix the “Open folder” action (it wouldn’t ask for a folder)
- The “Edit layout” action is now a toggle (calling it twice enter then leave the edit mode)
- Hitting back in the app drawer while in bad add mode will add apps and exit from the app drawer instead of canceling everything
Lightning v12.4b2 / 2141 2015-04-03 13:05
- The Android Palette API is available to scripts
- Support for executing scripts in the background without bringing the Lightning Launcher desktop to front
- When selecting Lightning as a plugin action in Tasker or compatible, it is now possible to directly select a script, and settings are now retrieved on subsequent update (no need to configure everything again)
- New editor toolbars
- Support for undo (everything linked with item geometry, object addition or removal, but not properties nor container yet)
- Z-Order controls are now built into the geometry editor
- The geometry editor can now be used with items attached to the grid
- Better snapping visualization
- Improved snapping, acting on size and scale handles too
- New corner handles in scale mode (keep aspect ratio)
- More natural copy/paste item style
- Ability to duplicate any item, including folders but with limitation for widgets
- Rework of the popup menu for more consistency and so that it matches the new editor toolbars
- Increased handles size for item edition
- Add a center label/icon option
- Add script icon layer APIs
- Bug fix (page resumed incorrectly)
- The script editor text size can be changed through pinch zoom
Lightning v12.3.1 / 2100 2015-03-17 12:03
- Build fix (could lead to a crash)
Lightning v12.3 / 2095 2015-03-17 06:25
- New item type “Custom View”
- Prevent the page indicator to disappear in the app drawer when selecting only hidden items
- When browsing only hidden items in the app drawer, newly created folders will be hidden too
- Fix bugs with batch add of apps from the app drawer
- Fix wallpaper tap command screen coordinates
- Add a variation of LL.runAction taking an Item as argument
- Fix a bug with nine patch access from script when the image is not yet loaded
Lightning v12.2 / 2086 2015-03-11 15:06
- Export the user menu in templates too
- Use a transparent version of the app drawer action bar text color for the search hint
- Script: fix an issue with Item.setBoxBackground and a null argument (again)
- In the default setup, the page indicator in the app drawer is now on top
- Fix an issue where panels out of view may not be animated as they should
Lightning v12.2b3 / 2080 2015-03-10 21:57
- Improved handling of dynamic text format for heap max, heap free and storage
- In the app drawer, allow items visibility modes: all, only visible, only hidden
- In the app drawer, “Add to launcher” for a folder will create a shortcut to this folder on the desktop
- Better font selection dialog
- Add an option to set the app drawer action bar text color
- Script: fix an issue with Item.setBoxBackground and a null argument
- Fix several crash sources
- Fix new page indicator position. In the app drawer menu, hide “Add page indicator” from the overflow menu because it doesn’t make sense to add this object without a touch position.
- Fix translation bugs (,
- When the “swap items” option is enabled, don’t allow items with different pin mode to be exchanged
- Enforce Holo selection effect when applying a template on a Lollipop device made with a version of Lightning prior to this one.
- Don’t display the help hint when editing the label of an item from the desktop for the first time.
- Fix the seamless mode in the app drawer when not using the “My Drawer” view
- Update handle in the items settings (handle found below the items preview and above the settings
- Fix dots page indicator when using seamless mode
Lightning v12.2b2 / 2071 2015-03-07 10:55
- Fix nine patch loading
- Script: fix Image.update behavior
- Script: fix wrong values for Image.getWidth/hetHeight (zero after load)
- Script: allow an image to be set as a shortcut image and still be modified after the setImage call
Lightning v12.2b1 / 2069 2015-03-06 13:24
- Aggressive optimization to reduce memory use and shorten app drawer initial load
Lightning v12.1.1 / 2048 2015-03-02 13:56
- Fix various issues when app suspended and resumed in the background (symptoms: lost wallpaper, status bar not displayed as it should, other)
- Fix cropping rectangle dialog size issue.
- When selecting an image to crop, always resize it to a size less than the screen size
Lightning v12.1b3 / 2046 2015-03-01 10:21
- Fix a crash in the app drawer when touching items in folders and not in the my drawer view
- When displaying the item menu through the hierarchy picker, select the item
- Page indicators cannot be added in the free version
Lightning v12.1b2 / 2045 2015-02-27 21:45
- Fix a crash when displaying the user menu in the app drawer
- Fix a crash seen when displaying the item menu, for some items
- Fix text of pin/unpin menu in the app drawer
- Don’t crash in case of improper script invocation through an external intent
- Updated Repository Importer support (no setup needed anymore)
Lightning v12.1 (wrong name, should have been 12.1b1) / 2043 2015-02-27 08:48
- Improved image picker with solid color selection and search through icons
- More flexible desktop wallpaper (crop, scale)
- Allow page indicators in the app drawer
- Don’t display the keyboard automatically in the script editor
- Display the script id in the script spinner in the script editor
- New script picker dialog
- Fix some wallpaper scrolling issues
- Fix resize handles shown for stop points
- Fix the color picker where a color could be slightly modified (
- Fix an issue with item icon when adding a blank item (
- Ignore icon scale parameter in icon packs
- Don’t display system bars settings for folders and panels
- Dropped the image size limit (previously 262k pixels)
- Reactivate the crash reporter
- When loading a template, clear the list of frequently used apps (replace mode only)
- Long script dialogs can now be scrolled
- In the default setup, prepare a sample lock screen
Lightning v12.0.1 / 2021 2015-02-12 22:48
- Fix shortcut to the app drawer settings
- Don’t show the app drawer in recent apps
- More lines in the default setup hints (for translations)
- Changed the default badge source to missed calls
- Fix reset of the app drawer and home desktop (now use the same setup as the initial one)
- Fix z-order change not taken into account in the app drawer
- Fix dynamic text visibility issue
- Updated app drawer and script editor icon
- Updated default/settings status bar color
Lightning v12 / 2010 2015-02-10 17:44
- Fix otf fonts not appearing in the list of available fonts
- Improved default setup (adjust sizes, fix date&time font)
- Fix user menu customization being lost
- Fix a bug when running scripts from several events
- Fix seamless options labels (two X, no Y)
- Fix status bar tint color being lost on 4.4 when toggling its visibility
- Fix scrolling direction when switching desktops with the slide animation
- Fix several issues with batch mode (with hidden action bar, when leaving the screen to enter settings, with apps selected from folders)
- Add a delay when rotating items upon device orientation change
- Correctly save the wordwrap setting in the script editor
- Changed Android 5+ theme color to Orange, to match the new icon
- Removed eXtreme from the name!
LLX v10.7b6 / 2005 2015-02-05 13:20
- Improved seamless mode
- Split the Item.setBoxBackground method in two variations, one with a persistent parameter, for efficiency reason
- Allow word wrap in script editor
- Better management of the script editor drawer
- Revert the default folder background color to its previous value
- In the image picker switch to the application if no icon pack is installed
- In the app drawer, launching the “Lightning Launcher eXtreme” shortcut will now open the settings screen instead of doing nothing, and launching the “All apps” shortcut will start the app drawer settings
- The app drawer search shows no item when no text is entered (instead of the full apps list)
- New app drawer “batch add” mode, selected when called from “Add item /App”
- Add an animation transition when switching app drawer modes
- Support for Kustom LWP (remove 5 seconds delay, new “Wallpaper tap” command)
- Add Backup/restore to the list of Lightning shortcuts
- Fix status bar flickering in some situations
- Link to TrianguloY’s Repository Importer in the script editor
- Use the same folder icon everywhere (add item dialog, new folder, image picker)
- Selectable app drawer categories
- More app drawer events to customize, although with a limited set of actions, and other various restrictions
- Fix the “empty folder” message text color which wasn’t always readable depending on the current theme
LLX v10.7b5 / 1977 2015-01-31 11:05
- Fix crash when editing panel properties
- Fix crash when switching selection effect from Holo to Plain on Android before 5.0
- Fix script editor orientation
- Fix first time hint target for the All Apps icon
- Fix the “Configure desktops” screen background
- Display the edit label dialog when adding a text only item
- Sort scripts by name in the script selection window
- Fix autocomplete button behavior with Swype suggestions in script editor (which should not be here by the way)
- Fix mini map page indicator borders not being displayed correctly
- Fix “Edit layout” / “Exit edit mode” labels in the app drawer menu
- Fix long press on empty folder windows
LLX v10.7b4 / 1972 2015-30-01 09:58
- Improved script editor (new UI, possibly better auto completion, show line numbers)
- New “Add item” dialog (I am proud of this one)
- New item type “Page Indicator” to display the current page
- New Material icon selection effect (Android 5+ only)
- Workaround for screen flickering when using the dark theme (from white to black)
- Allow the builtin icon font to be selected in the item’s text settings
- Changed the default action for swipe up gesture to user menu
- Added a few more “first use hints”
- The “Edit layout” menu item now shows “Exit edit mode” when already in edit mode
- Set the default app drawer direction to horizontal
- Fix theme issues in the desktops configuration screen
- Fix translation issues (hints, template dialog – need to update language packs too)
- Fix script Item.setBoxBackground, which was neither persistent nor item specific
- Fix monospace font in script editor on Android 5+
- Fix a page indicator size problem when entering/exiting desktop settings, although not perfect (there are still some less visible issues)
LLX v10.7b3 / 1945 2015-01-20 15:57
- Add a an option to select between Light and Dark themes for the settings screen. It does not apply to the desktop, app drawer and lock screen
- Automatic reload when changing the value of the expert mode option
- Fix Lightning menu appearance on some devices (dark text on dark background)
- Fix custom action bar background in the app drawer
- Fix various issues with language packs (such as wrong layout size)
- Allow the box editor to be a bit bigger
LLX v10.7b2 / 1934 2015-01-16 18:49
- Fix a crash when displaying the lightning menu (was linked with scripts)
- Fix an issue with GlobalConfig not defined
- Revert the default action for the menu key to the old value. The user menu is still available through a shortcut though
LLX v10.7b1 / 1933 2015-01-16 11:53
- Use a holo light style from Android 3.0 up to 4.4, use a material light style on Android 5.0+
- A set of visual modifications throughout the app
- Changed the default item style. Modified attributes are:
- font style: from bold to normal
- icon reflection: from enabled to disabled
- label/icon position: from top to bottom
- label/icon margin: from 0 to 5
- label shadow radius: from 1 to 3
- label shadow offset x: from 0 to 1
- label shadow offset y: from 0 to 1
- label shadow color: from #ff000000 to #aa000000
- Introduce a new “user menu”, made of a special folder. Work in progress!
- Script: add LL.runAction, Container.getView, Item.getRootView
LLX v10.6.5 / 1920 2015-01-07 09:36
- Fix texts not being translated in the image picker
- Workaround for texts being truncated in some particular conditions (scripted modification only)
- Fully hide the “Miscellaneous” settings screen for panels in normal mode since it is empty in this case
- Don’t display navigation bar settings on devices without navigation bar (Android 4.4+ only)
- When scrolling due to item focus change, follow scrolling direction settings
- The status bar should now be displayed again after opening the notification panel, although this does not fix the bug on Samsung devices.
LLX v10.6.4 / 1901 2015-01-02 18:00
- Yet another bug fix related to desktop size after screen rotation
LLX v10.6.3 / 1900 2015-01-02 11:45
- Bug fix for incorrect desktop size after a screen rotation event
- Fix menu key behavior with edit mode and target container
LLX v10.6.1 / 1893 2014-12-28 11:25
- Stop point fixes.
LLX v10.6 / 1892 2014-12-23 20:55
- Fix an issue where menus and other tools could be seen behind the navigation bar even without the overlap option
- Fix a bug when setting a shortcut icon using the existing icon in script
LLX v10.6b2 / 1891 2014-12-18 13:20
- Allow negative values in box settings
- Fix a crash (symptom: unresponsive app, need to force close)
- Fix status bar not hidden on Android 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2
- Fix system bars overlap options not always correctly set after upgrade
LLX v10.6b1 / 1886 2014-12-17 08:45
- Support for custom status and navigation bar color (full support for Android 5+, tinted on Android 4.4)
- Experimental “seamless mode” (infinite scroll, wrap)
- Add a colorize icon option
- Settings dealing with the status, navigation and app drawer bars are now gathered in a single “System bars” screen
- Re-enabled move on focus change (devices with a directional pad or a keyboard)
- Improved icon selection when applying an icon pack
- Panels are not anymore in expert mode only
- Dynamic text: hide the whole item when the value is 0, not just the text
- Add a “Play Store” entry in the item “App” menu.
- Try to resolve issues with two stop points at the same place, please let me know if it breaks any existing setup
- Fix Android 5 inability to handle long tap on script selector in the script editor
- Fix an issue where a theme cannot be applied because of the app version
- Fix a memory leak with panels in edit mode
- When loading a template, scale the grid size in fixed mode
- Fix swipe events container in script
LLX v10.5.2 / 1850 2014-10-22 14:00
- updated to work on Android 5.0
LLX v10.5.1 / 1848 2014-09-26 09:38
- when scaling widgets, revert rounding to truncating
- bug fix
LLX v10.5 / 1847 2014-09-24 15:07
- when scaling widget, round new sizes to the nearest integer (previously: truncated)
- pickcolor renamed to pickColor (camel case), add a “title” parameter to pickColor and pickNumericValue
LLX v10.5b4 / 1845 2014-09-21 20:59
- experimental zooper widget scaling when loading templates
- add LL.pickColor, LL.pickNumericValue and LL.pickImage functions
- add LL.startActivityForResult, useful to access other apps services, such as file picking, or sharing
- Container.getItemByLabel will also return items for which name is not set and label matches
- new set/getTag methods with support for an identifier
- fix the title of the item name dialog
LLX v10.5b3 / 1840 2014-09-15 14:42
- workaround for launcher stuck in extremely large grid drawing
- add LL.getScriptById
- add a dedicated Item name property: it replaces the item label, except for shortcuts. Existing methods Container.getItemByLabel, Item.getLabel and Item.setLabel still work but are deprecated. Existing scripts should not be broken. Use getItemByName, Item.getName and Item.setName instead
LLX v10.5b2 / 1836 2014-09-13 13:48
- Tasker support fix
LLX v10.5b1 / 1835 2014-09-12 14:45
- update the community link so that it points to the public one
- ability to load scripts from APKs
- allow LLX to be an action plugin for Tasker
- allow scripts to fire Tasker tasks execution
- when creating shortcut to scripts, optional data can now be passed as argument
- add paused/resumed events to items
- add a “Send” button in the script editor
- script: add a LL.getContext() method
- script: add a Window.clearTimeout()
- script: add a setCell method with persistent modifications
- script: ability to retrieve and modify event handlers through PropertySet/Editor
- script: add Bundle, PorterDuffXfermode classes
LLX v10.4.1 / 1821 2014-08-19 19:20
- fix icon layer loading issue seen in some setups
LLX v10.4 / 1820 2014-08-18 10:40
- script: add ComponentName class
- script: fix box property change not being persisted
LLX v10.4b6 / 1816 2014-08-02 16:04
- add LL.startActivity
- fix a bug where opening a folder from a load event (or maybe pause/resume) produces a crash
- fix a bug where deleting all desktops and creating a new one could lead to a dead launcher
LLX v10.4b5 / 1813 2014-07-24 09:50
- package name is now displayed on long tap in the image picker, data are copied to clipboard (ICS+)
- add a “blank” button in the image picker to select a fully transparent image
- fix 9 patchs loading issue on Gingerbread
- better behavior when setting items alpha through script
- a few other minor bug fixes
LLX v10.4b4 / 1811 2014-07-22 08:30
- fix Item.getType()
- add Container.cancelFling()
LLX v10.4b3 / 1808 2014-07-21 14:30
- add a Script class to manipulate scripts through scripts…
- add a new “Touch” event (please read the doc first, important informations there !)
- fix setDefaultIcon/setCustomIcon with an image created without a file
- attempt to fix animation not stopped after jumping to a given position in a container
- box background can now be persisted to file
- fix several other minor bugs
LLX v10.4b2 / 1799 2014-07-18 21:00
- script: when adding objects, do not center them anymore but use the x/y position as the top left corner
- script: more items can be added through scripts (folder, panel, stop point)
- script: add Shortcut.getIntent/setIntent
- script Shortcut.getImage will return null instead of throwing an exception when icon is hidden
- script: loading nine patch images through LL.createImage is now supported
- script: add LL.createImage from file and from package resources
- script: more checks for bad arguments
- script: allow the use of the Android Uri class (useful in intents)
- several minor bug fixes and improvement
LLX v10.4b1 / 1780 2014-07-12 18:00
- allow creation of shortcuts through scripts (shortcuts only)
- allow manipulation of images through script
- speed up alpha modification through script
- fixes icon picker image quality problem
- fixes icon deletion refresh issues
LLX v10.3 / 1767 2014-07-04 10:31
- beta out of beta
LLX v10.3b1 / 1766 2014-06-26 13:10
- builtin image/icon picker
- allow copy style for stop points
- script: Item.setRotation/getRotation now accept floats instead of integers
LLX v10.2.1 / 1760 2014-05-29 13:50
- fix crash for 4.2 and previous
LLX v10.2 / 1735 2014-05-29 10:40
- Ok Google: add hotword detection on Android 4.4 (only on the home screen, not in the app drawer nor in the lock screen
- allow the action bar to be fully hidden in the app drawer
LLX v10.1.1 / 1730 2014-05-27 16:20
- fix for a possible crash
LLX v10.1 / 1727 2014-05-26 12:13
- fix unlocking when requested from an event run in the context of the home screen (
- when drawing item borders, draw corners using a triangle shape when they overlap, but keep a rectangular shape when a single segment is drawn in a corner (adjacent segment size is zero, not transparent color)
- in paused/resumed events, script Event.getContainer() will now return the container being paused/resumed
- add script Event.getSource()
LLX v10.1b1 / 1724 2014-05-08 11:44
- new options to configure the app drawer bar: visibility and background image (LLX, expert mode)
- new container events: resumed and paused. This can be used to detect when a container is displayed or hidden, although resumed/paused are finer grain events
- increased resolution of some app drawer icons
- ability to replace an item target with a shortcut (previously only an app)
- exclude panels when computing grid/stack folder icons (
- keep app drawer configuration in templates, and use it when applying them when replacing, not merging (
- do not process tap events for panel when it has been configured at the container level (
- fix a bug when modifying the panel configuration through a script run from the on tap item event (
- allow more than one stop point to be matched at a time
- fix edition of floating point value with locales using coma as decimal separator
- workaround for the icon drawing bug in the desktop configuration screen
- remove quoting around the data passed to scripts using LL.runScript
- fix a few problems when status bar transparency is combined with status bar hiding
- fix a few crashes
LLX v10.0.2 / 1686 2014-04-08 10:10
- fix a bug where an empty and untitled script can be created sometimes
- fix folder z order (inability to change this order when folder icon is set to grid or stack)
- attempt to fix a problem with transparent bars on 4.4 on phone layouts when switching the orientation (not tested)
- fix LL.setPosition when not using animate
- when reseting or removing a desktop used as a lockscreen, disable the lockscreen until another one is selected
- remove swipe events and pinch/zoom options for panels because they are not supported
- fix a crash that could appear when applying templates and when the process was interrupted
- fix newly created widget position under some rarely seen situation
- fix a crash that may happen seldom while add an item to a folder
LLX v10.0.1 / 1680 2014-04-02 19:40
- adjust items order in widget menu
- fix translations in the script editor and template screen
- fix a bug when loading some icon packs
- prevent addition of new items in app drawer folders opened through a “Open folder” LL action
LLX v10.0 / 1676 2014-03-31 13:10
- remove screen on/off events from desktop configuration (when unset)
- remove custom script menu from list of LL actions (not LLX)
- in LL.goToDesktop(), check that the argument is a desktop
- fix a problem where opening a menu could not be opened from script
- fix LL.getOpenFolders()
LLX v9.9.16 / 1672 2014-03-28 13:40
- use alternate backgrounds in icon packs, when available
- fix the switch between desktops not having the same transparent bars/overlap settings
- fix an LL->LLX importation problem when LL data themselves comes from a previous LLX setup
- when exporting a template, reset the lock screen option if the lock screen desktop is not exported too
- script : add LL.getOpenFolders(), LL.getItemById() and Container.setTag()
- fix a few minor crashes
LLX v9.9.15 / 1662 2014-03-26 15:40
- add a few startup / first time hints
- add an option to configure overlap between transparent bars and the content (default is no overlap)
- change the default value for transparent bars to yes
- workaround for background color not drawn behind status and navigation bars in the LLX app drawer (works for opaque colors, not transparent ones)
- fix a bug when merging templates that could lead to duplicated and shared desktops
- fix a couple of crashes
- don’t limit anymore item scale change to 1000
- allow for configuration of item selection for any kind of item, not just shortcuts and folders
- script: add LL.isPaused()
LLX v9.9.14 / 1652 2014-03-21 13:45
- expert mode: on for new installs, off for existing setups, this will hide or show advanced options
- container gets focused on touch, not on position changed (will solve a problem when scrolling a panel through script and adding items in the meantime and other related issues)
- default folder icon style is now grid, fix problems with background
- add an option to enable/disable script execution globally
- fix a crash that could happen when deleting the home desktop
- fix a crash when trying to reach a panel in a folder through the hierarchy menu and the panel has never been displayed before
- fix a crash with stop point customization
- script: allow modification of item property “i.onGrid”
- script: add LL.setScriptTag() and LL.getScriptTag()
- script: add Container.getBoundingBox()
LLX v9.9.13 / 1641 2014-03-19 13:10
- fixes a crash with item label
LLX v9.9.12 / 1637 2014-03-19 10:40
- improved position of the suggestion view in the script editor
- improved a bit the items hierarchy menu
- script: use float for Container.translateIntoScreenCoordX/Y()
- split grid and stack folder icons in items+background, so that the background can be changed separately using the icon effect background option. Use a blank image to clear the background.
- script: fix event Y position
- script: fix Container.getType()
- ability to set a label for all items, not just shortcuts and folders. Option found in the “+” tab
- script: renamed Container.getItemByName(String name) to Container.getItemByLabel(String label)
- script: Container.getItemByLabel(String label) can now be used to retrieve all kind of items
- script: moved Item.setLabel and item.getLabel from Shortcut to Item, add a “persistent” option to setLabel
LLX v9.9.11 / 1622 2014-03-16 10:45
- some fixes related to the app drawer (need a reset to resolve mixed icons issue)
- fix script LL.getCurrentDesktop() (fixes the bug with the pin code lock screen)
- fix script Folder.close()
- fix script Item.setSize()
- fix missing script Window.setTimeout()
- fix a problem when adding stop point through the menu key
- fix the Desktop settings linked with the app drawer, when reached from the app drawer, and renamed “All Apps” to “App Drawer”, “Desktop settings” to “Current desktop”
- add an experimental items hierarchy viewer, under the “Items / Hierarchy…” long tap menu. Item infos are not yet available
LLX v9.9.10 / 1618 2014-03-14 13:25
- reworked script engine (!) For the following benefits: synchronous operations for smoother animations, support of “//” comments, display the line number in case of error, fixes the crash when repeated calls are made (upon scroll event in particular). Scripts should remain 100% compatible but glitches are possible.
- add some initial autocompletion to the script editor
- add no scroll limit option
- fix template import
LLX v9.9.9 / 1606 2014-03-12 18:15
- when applying a template, new option to use the wallpaper or not
- fix template export error
- fix a bug when merging desktops from template
- add Item.setTag and Item.getTag to store and retrieve persistent data from script
- add Android object to scripts in order to access platform services (as of today: toasts)
LLX v9.9.8 / 1598 2014-03-11 22:00
- fix desktop bookmarks with folders and panels
LLX v9.9.7 / 1596 2014-03-11 17:00
- fix Item.getPositionY
- more space for the script in the script editor
- fix widget launch from the lockscreen, and add an option to unlock or not when launching an app
- fix documentation
- improved panel scrolling detection
LLX v9.9.6 / 1584 2014-03-03 16:00
- warning, this version is incompatible with the previous script format. Older scripts will be visible in the script editor, but won’t be linked with events
- split Container.setPosition(x,y,scale) in two methods: setPosition(x,y) and setPosition(x,y,scale,animate), same for LL.goToDesktopPosition
- renamed LL.getDesktop to LL.getContainer
- merged the template export menu into the backup/restore screen, add add “overwrite with backup/template” choices when long tapping on an archive.
- when applying a template, it is now possible to merge imported desktops and keep the existing setup
- user defined script menus: lightning, item and custom, configured through the checkboxes in the script editor
- add support for reading and writing main box properties (size/color of margins, borders, paddings, content)
- add LL.isLocked(), LL.writeToLogFile, Container.getCellWidth/getCellHeight, Item.getPositionX/getPositionY also returns a valid value for items on grid
- script Item.getType() method fixed for folders
- fix a few other bugs
LLX v9.9.5 / 1577 2014-02-25 19:00
- fix the app drawer
- return in scripts now works
- prevent accumulation of script popups by disabling any new popup while one is displayed
- add new APIs: Item.getParent(), Item position accessors, Item and Container properties, LL.getAllDesktops(), LL.runScript(), LL.setItemZIndex()
LLX v9.9.3 / 1573 2014-02-23 16:15
- fix a crash with dynamic text
- fix desktop events configuration
- fix non responsive items in panel (and folders)
LLX v9.9.2 / 1572 2014-02-21 21:35
- fix proguard configuration
LLX v9.9.1 / 1571 2014-02-21 19:10
- fix crashes
LLX v9.9 / 1568 2014-02-21 17:10
- add scripting ! Custom actions can be configured for all sort of things, I am eager to see what you will be able to do with this !
- support for configuring events per desktop (and some of them per panel/desktop)
- back key is now configurable. By default it is plug onto a new “Go back” action
- other new events primarily used for scripting, but not only (desktop loaded, scrolled, stop point reached)
- updated back key behavior with panels: when a panel is touched or scrolled, the back key will reset it to its home position, or reset its container if it is already at home
- dropped support for Android 2.1
- tapping on a widget in the lockscreen will also unlock (same as apps)
- workaround for a drawing bug on 2.3 devices in the box editor
- fix grid lines drawing with fit desktop to item and detached item on the topmost/leftmost position
LLX v9.3 / r1556 2014-02-12 16:35
- fix item rotation in orientations other than the natural device orientation
- always limit drawing to the box (may affect items visibility when rotated)
- the “holo” selection effect is now the default, and the default box selection color is now 0xffffffff instead of 0x80ffffff
LLX v9.3.b5 / r1542 2014-02-11 11:35
- improve performances when using the holo selection effect with big items
- fix a bug when snapping detached items with attached items
- propagate the ‘always show stop points’ option to panels
- allow text shadow offsets to be negative
- fix autoscroll
- add a “All settings” menu item in the panel menu (should help in case of fullscreen panel)
- when swapping items, don’t swap stop points
LLX v9.3.b4 / r1536 2014-02-07 15:15
- fix black box that can be seen in edit mode, once after startup for each desktop/folder/panel
- fix problem with clipping
- add rotate objects options when rotating the screen
LLX v9.3.b3 / r1530 2014-02-06 17:30
- refinement in the way the grid is displayed in edit mode
- adjust stop points editing (geometry tool, handles)
- improve highlight feedback when launching an app
- automatically disable snap to page when stop points are active
- lockscreen: fix a problem where some apps with notifications are not seen (or immediately hidden) when unlocking
- prevent a thrid finger touch to break pinch zoom
- don’t execute the global tap action when tapping on a widget (only if it has been explicitly set for the widget)
- fix a bug where the item transformation could be lost when set through the geometry editor
- fix a bug where the menu could be invisible when opened through gestures
LLX v9.3.b2 / r1524 2014-01-30 18:00
- fix crash in lockscreen when using gestures to unlock
LLX v9.3.b1 / r1523 2014-01-30 12:10
- in edit mode, the selected item is now drawn with a contour and a light overlay
- add a few animations in edit mode when an item is dragged
- introduce a “Selection effect” option
- do not truncate the text in when it is left or top and there isn’t enough room, but truncate the icon instead
- copy style: don’t copy gestures attributes
- impoved search in app drawer: the keyboard shows a go button which will launch the first app, which is focused, text highlighting, better sort (apps that start with search are displayed first)
- fix a bug where a swipe on an item to unlock the screen would leave the item selected
- yet another fix for shadowed/italic text (may appear on two lines)
- fix several crashes in rarely seen situations (but that happen anyway !)
- fixes several inconsistencies with the geometry editor when selecting different items
LLX v9.2.2 / r1511 2014-01-24 20:45
- reverted panel scrolling modification
LLX v9.2.1 / r1509 2014-01-24 12:40
- fix truncated text when using italic or shadow
- fix autoscroll when moving an item in a panel
- better handling of scrolling with panels : a panel won’t prevent scrolling the desktop if it is not scrollable (a bit like widgets)
- fix an issue with first widget scroll after reboot
- fix “Not clickable” option with widget
- fix the keyboard management when searching apps in the app drawer, as well as the associated “condensed” screen effect
- fix size when moving an item in a folder/ or desktop that has never been opened before
- (attempt to) fix lockscreen not being displayed sometimes
- fix several issues with position of newly created items
- improved texts (menus and settings)
- fix translated texts (add/item/unlocker, customize screen now shows a meaningful and translated title)
- fixed a crash (desktop navigation action triggered in the app drawer through global events)
- warning message when selecting a lock screen
- add some feedback when copying a style from an item
- box editor: long tapping on a border will select/de-select all borders, same for margin and padding. Content select/de-select everything.
- box editor: improved visualization of overlapping content and padding areas
LLX v9.2 / r1472 2014-01-21 14:30
- bug fixes
LLX v9.2.b3 / r1458 2014-01-20 13:15
- fixes a problem with the lockscreen being randomly shifted
- the LL lock screen can be used even if android security screen lock is set to none
- improved english texts thanks to +Josh
- fix the LL action shorcut screen not being translated
- attempt to resolve issues with the status bar not hiding after unlocking
LLX v9.2.b2 / r1444 2014-01-19 15:30
- better behavior upon incoming call in lock screen
- fix app drawer icon issue (need to do a full reset of the app drawer, or export/import a template)
- fix the widget creation window that keeps re-appearing when applying a template
- fix several issues with lock screen and panels (unlocking, events, etc.)
- fix stop points when flinging in overscroll
- when using the dual position option, also save the size for items detached from the grid
LLX v9.2.b1 / r1408 2014-01-15 10:05
- lock screen
- fix a problem with scrolling in folders having a custom height
LLX v9.1 / r1393 2014-01-13 14:00
- fix bug in layout items for sort, compact
- fix export desktop
LLX v9.1.b1 / r1388 2014-01-10 17:15
- add sort options (menu “Items…”)
- fix a problem with newly added items being stacked
LLX v9.0.6 / r1375 2014-01-09 19:30
- support for store/load some widgets (uccw, zooper) in templates
LLX v9.0.5 / r1372 2014-01-08 18:30
- allow built-in styles to be deleted, sort them by names
- fix stop points vs scrolling
LLX v9.0.4 / r1368 2014-01-08 13:30
- reworked scrolling, for a smoother user experience
- fix app not launching from the app drawer when already running and auto exit option is checked
- remove “All apps” from recent apps
- full text search in app drawer
- folder background is not copied to non folder items when copying the style
- fix “Add to launcher” action not working with panels
- fix some crashes
- fix some widgets not fully deleted when reseting or removing a desktop
LLX v9.0.1 / r1352 2013-12-23 12:30
- fix a problem with unresponsive items in app drawer folders
- fix a problem where the desktop background may be wrong after modifying a folder.
- fix back key long press with search app
- fix a few crashes
LLX v9.0 / r1347 2013-12-20 16:30
- handle menu key press and long key press as separate events, enable configuration of long back key press too (but not short press yet)
LLX v9.0.b4 / r1340 2013-12-19 11:20
- correctly handle panel creation position
- fix a crash when deleting a panel or folder with a battery dynamic text
- fix customize menu for folders and panels
- don’t copy the position mode when copying the style between item
- fix a problem with widgets in panels after a reboot, and maybe some other related widget issue.
LLX v9.0.b3 / r1336 2013-12-18 08:55
- changes the way newly created folders behaves: the default value for “Use desktop size” in layout parameters is yes (existing folders remain unchanged).
- reworked desktop and item menu (move app related options in a sub menu, add confirmation for folder removal, add a customize sub menu)
- improves copy style with items
- panels are now created on the bottom layer
- fix a rounding problem leading to 1px holes in the layout
- fix add widget when used through the shortcut action “add object…”
- fix a crash when double clicking on a folder at startup
- fix widget initial size in some situations
- fix item size when moving them from a desktop to another
- fix a few other crashes
LLX v9.0.b2 / r1309 2013-12-16 21:10
- reworked the way the grid cell size is computed with panels
- fix item preview in customize screen
- fix a crash when using a gesture to open a folder
- fixes problems with image pickers
LLX v9.0.b1 / r1299 2013-12-16 11:04
- allow any kind of image for background, not just nine patches
- mixed grid/free mode: on the same desktop, you can have items nicely aligned on the grid as well as other items placed freely
- allow Template files to be reloaded from the backup/restore screen, without an APK, directly from a file
- restablish pin attribute copy when copying the style
- hide icons in menu
- tons of bug fixes
LLX v8.9.a1 / 1262 2013-12-11 09:30
- alpha support of panels
LLX v8.8.7 / 1257 2013-12-09 08:30
- fix crash at startup
- fix navigation in settings
LLX v8.8.5 / 1256 2013-12-08 16:25
- add an animation when dropping an item into a folder, to help visualize the delay
- fix an Android 4.4 specific bug (the desktop may seem unresponsive until home is pressed)
- try to fix the background/theme in settings screens
LLX v8.8.4 / 1244 2013-12-05 07:50
- fix compatibility issue with Android 2.x
LLX v8.8.3 / 1241 2013-12-04 20:33
- fix a problem with wallpaper size not correctly set (Android 4.1+)
- fix widget being clickable in edit mode under some occasions
- upon rotation, the geometry toolbox is adjusted so that it doesn’t become unreachable
- don’t take hidden items into account when computing the desktop size (app drawer + fit desktop to items)
- if a desktop has been deleted, add it again to the list of configured desktop if it is accessed again through a link
- adjust settings screen background
- move cursors at the end in some text editors (custom label, style name, backup name, screen name, settings)
- fix color picker paste
- fix rotation bug in app drawer
- upon rotation, attempt to keep the view at the same location
- in the app drawer, do not allow the content to be behind bars when they are transparent
- fix management of edit mode with folders
- copy folders window attributes in style, and restore them when applicable
LLX v8.8.2 / 1216 2013-12-03 16:30
- fix support for templates in encrypted packages
LLX v8.8.1 / 1211 2013-11-29 18:35
- allow zoom in edit mode, unconditionnal
- add a “folder options” menu item to directly jump to folder settings without having to open it
- fix edit mode dragging over a scrollable widget
- fix a few translated strings
LLX v8.8.1b1 / 1202 2013-11-28 20:30
- change edit mode tap and drag behavior: tap on an item to select it, then it can be moved. It greatly helps to avoid false move. A long tap and move can be used too.
- introduce a small delay before to drop an item in a folder. This is easier to stack items this way.
LLX v8.8 / 1194 2013-11-24 15:45
- add support for transparent status and navigation bar on Android 4.4 (KitKat).
- fine item geometry tuning: position, size, scale, rotate, skew (long tap / position / geometry)
- add an option to adjust how items are moved and the desktop is scrolled in edit mode: either press then move, or long press then move. The second is slower but prevents false moves.
- bug fixes (item preview size in landscape mode, home key occasionally not working, some random crashes)
LLX v8.7.1 / 1181 2013-11-19 17:45
- fix a bug where adding an app from the app drawer could duplicate it in the app drawer
- fix a couple of crashes
LLX v8.7 / 1171 2013-11-18 17:40
- enable the dual position option for the app drawer too
- add an option to close other folders when opening a new one, and the auto close option will now also work for the desktop
- add desktop&position launcher action (same as the shortcut, but easier to configure)
LLX v8.7b4.2 / 1167 2013-11-14 22:00
- folders are no longer automatically closed when returning to home with the home key so that this is consistent with the back key
- add rotation change events (useful to configure one desktop per orientation for instance)
- fix a few other minor bugs
LLX v8.7b4.1 / 1164 2013-11-14 16:30
- fix crash when customizing stop point
LLX v8.7b4 / 1162 2013-11-14 15:30
- add support for nine patchs (item box and folder window)
- remove hardcoded ‘close folder’ action in some situations
- fix various bugs with multiple folders and events
- fix direct dial shortcuts when use in item or gesture events on some devices
- fix default folder configuration not being taken into account correctly
LLX v8.7b3 / 1151 2013-11-10 14:00
- add folder placement options as well as new animations (this is an easy way to create side bars)
- add copy to desktop menu item (only for apps and shortcuts)
- scale stop points when they do not fit in their cell, instead of truncating them (better for small grids)
- add match edge options for stop points
- fix several bugs with stop points (direction not taken into account, wrong vertical snap and some problems with barrier)
LLX v8.7b2 / r1137 2013-11-07 17:30
- fix open folder action with a deleted folder
- fix edit grid
LLX v8.7b1 / r1132 2013-11-07 13:13
- fix LL sortcuts when used from external apps
- fix crash when using the open folder action for a deleted folder
LLX v8.7b1 / r1132 2013-11-07 13:13
- add open folder action
- better backup/restore screen
- add support for label selection in Unread Gmail Dynamic Text
- improved icon pack support
- when hit while flinging, a stop point will not stop the scroll, but only block the scrolling in the direction it is acting on
- fixed a problem with unread sms count not always updated
- fix dynamic text tabs
- fix a bug with styles that prevented the use of this feature (crash and other problems)
LLX v8.6b1 / r1115 2013-11-05 12:50
- greatly improved stop points, with support for setting their direction, whether they stop scroll, drag or both, with snapping, and more.
- removed the older “Use auto scroll stops” option
LLX v8.5.1 / r1107 2013-11-04 14:50
- fix a problem with direct dial shortcuts on some platform
- fix a bug with scrolling wallpaper
- fix a bug where swiping over a widget could launch the widget and trigger a custom action at the same time
- fix backup/restore texts not being translated even though the language pack contains texts
LLX v8.5 / r1096 2013-11-01 10:45
- fix a problem with widget being launched in edit mode
- fix styles not saved in backup
- fix edit mode using keypad
- fix a crash that could appear from time to time when an app was udated in the background
- fix a crash that could appear after getting the popup “no valid app associated…”
- fixed a couple of minor crashes occuring in border cases
LLX v8.5b1 / r1078 2013-10-29 14:00
- add “honour pinned items” option
- fix show status bar option with shortcuts
LLX v8.4 / r1074 2013-10-28 18:15
- add close topmost folder and close all folders action
- add events screen on/off
- add search app action
- revised wallpaper offset computation (will work better with some live wallpapers)
- fix some parameters not being set properly when returning to the home scren from the app drawer (for instance wallpaper size)
- fix a problem with wallpaper when switching between fully opaque and translucent background color
- fix app drawer icon background not being displayed upon restart (background is still there anyway)
- use an alternate shortcut selection dialog that should solve some of them not appearing in the list
- when hidding an item in the app drawer in edit mode, hide handles too
LLX v8.4b3 / r1047 2013-10-23 19:13
- when adding an item in free mode use the current zoom factor to scale the item accordingly
- don’t scale handles around items in edit mode when zooming in/out
- fix a problem with pinned item configuration in the adanced settings screen
- fix a problem with drag&drop over pinned folders
LLX v8.4b2 / r1037 2013-10-22 19:10
- add support for selecting which desktop to export
- fix the backup
LLX v8.4b1 / r1032 2013-10-21 21:32
- support for sharing template through apk
- fix menu position in some situation
- don’t apply alpha on stop points and pinned item locks
- fix a bug with rotation in free mode on newest Android version
- fix a bug with animations (could be seen by flinging, then hitting the back key)
LLX v8.3 / r1018 2013-10-17 21:52
- support for different grid settings in portrait and layout
- fix slide animation when switching desktops
- fix duplicate icon on app update in app drawer
- fix the position of some newly added items in the app drawer
- fix app not responding when zooming out excessively in edit layout
- fix a problem where all items could disappear until the next edit
- fix “tornado”
- maybe fix a crash at startup on some devices
LLX v8.2.2 / r1005 2013-10-15 10:15
- bug fix
LLX v8.2.1 / r1001 2013-10-14 23:30
- bug fix
LLX v8.2 / r998 2013-10-14 12:00
- rework of the default behavior of the home key (previously: always go to home screen). a new action “Go to home screen, then zoom 100%” has been added, and the home key is set by default to this action, so that it can be changed to something else later.
- a lot of minor improvements, such as hide the “widget options” menu when there is no option, add a restart launcher action, swap/rearrange items options
- fix for widgets not resizing themselves
- numerous bugfixes
LLX v8.1.1 / r937 (102=r942) 2013-10-10 12:00
- a lot of small bug fixes
LLX v8.1 / r927 2013-10-09 17:00
- add support for transparent status bar (only Samsung Galaxy S4 at the moment, maybe other Samsung devices)
- display the app version in settings
- fix a lot of crashes (harmless bugs, but annoying anyway)
- fix a problem with icon effects being messed (a restart would fix it)
LLX v8.0 / r906 2013-10-08 12:00
- initial LLX release
- architecture change
- support for applying an icon pack (no need to use the theme manager)
LLX v7.11
- re-add some builtin styles
- add screen shortcuts, useful to create “bookmarks” to a given position in a screen
- add support for pinning an item vertically or horizontally only (advanced option found in Customize->More->+, not in the item menu)
- add help on most settings (long tap on an option to get help on it)
- add support for picking images (icons, wallpapers, not fonts) from external file manager
- don’t copy pin attribute when copying style
LLX v7.10
- add long tap gesture on item (ability to configure a custom action per item)
- better name sort in the app drawer
- fix crash while editing settings on android 2.1
- fixed a few other minor bugs
LLX v7.9
- support for multiple wallpaper (through a free plugin)
- the old and unsafe “Alternate wallpaper management” option has been discarded
- several bug fixes
LLX v7.8.3
- fix a particular widget update problem
- prevent faulty widgets to crash the launcher
- activate debug hooks
LLX v7.8.2
- fix a startup bug due to a subtle API change
LLX v7.8.1
- add an option to toggle minimized RAM usage (aka on the fly icon loading)
- fix app picker in some situations
- fix app widget options menu, on devices that support this feature
- fix a problem dealing with mixed icons in the app drawer
- fix the problem with notifications when the status bar is hidden
LLX v7.8
- faster startup and optimized RAM usage in some situations
- fix “Pick app to launch”
- fix shortcuts to Lightning Launcher actions that were becoming inoperant after an update.
LLX v7.7.1
- fix app killer
- some other minor bug fixes
LLX v7.7
- support for moving items across screens
- item menu : move all position related actions into a “Position” sub menu
LLX v7.6
- support for swipe gestures on items (last tab in the item customization screen)
- better support for scrollable widgets (android 3+ only). Please note that scrolling a widget and scrolling the screen is mutually excusive.
- backup is now a built-in feature
- support for text and icon overlap (use of a negative margin). This can be used to display the text over the reflection for instance.
- faster item customization through the new “Copy style” option (found in the item menu under “Customize”)
- change selection color for new widgets to transparent
- tap on empty space closes the topmost folder (if any) before anything else
- fix icon layers without reflection
- hardware keyboard will now start the search
- menu icons
LLX v7.5.1
- traditional last minute fix for wallpaper in landscape mode
LLX v7.5
- add snapping in free mode (it is enabled by default but can be disabled in layout options)
- add an option to replace a widget (reuse the container)
- add an option to set the wallpaper dimension
- add a link to Lightning Drawer
- fix customize screen upon screen rotation
- increase vertical swipe sensitivity
LLX v7.4.2
- Ability to replace the app for a shortcut
LLX v7.4.1
- fix icon bug when not using reflection
LLX v7.4
- add ability to create shortcuts for launcher settings and actions
- support for picking icons from ADW icon packs
- support for more icon effects with background, overlay, mask and scale scheme
- support for the upcoming Theme Manager app
LLX v7.3.2
- revert changes related to widgets that fixed some problems on a few devices but created problems on many others.
LLX v7.3.1
- several crashes fixed, according to stack traces reported by users
- fix “show notifications” actions on Android 4.2 tablets
fix a problem with widgets not loaded after a reboot
LLX v7.3
- support for scaling icons
- use large icon version on devices that support it, such as Nexus 7. Warning: on these devices your icons may now seem bigger (this is the intended effect). You may revert back to the old size by using an icon scale of exactly 75% in “Current Screen/App drawer->Items->Icon->Scale”
- add “Launch shortcut” action
- add support for non clickable items
- fix transparency on widgets, but this is as slow as before, this also fixes a FC
- fix dual position bug when using a language pack
- fix a crash when moving items in folders, in a corner case
- add some debug infos: the apk is a bit bigger than usual, but they will be disabled soon
LLX v7.2
- allow pinned items to be displayed below non pinned items (previously all pinned items were always above, so you may now want to move them to front)
- the option “General->Auto edit mode” is now also used when moving items
- automatically use the first installed language pack when no language has been selected (smoother setup)
- fix call shortcuts on Android 4+, this even removes the need for the CALL permission on other versions !
- fix a rendering bug on some hardware accelerated devices (in particular with the analog clock widget)
- fix flicker when using the digital clock widget
LLX v7.1.2
- fix excessive CPU usage when using snap to pages option
- fix a color problem with the the box editor on some devices (having 16bits display)
LLX v7.1.1
- changes in the way column/row sizes are computed in automatic mode
- fix a bug where items disappear suddenly until restart of the app
- fix a crash when reloading and zoom animation not finished
- fix null size cell in itemlayout when auto mode and only widgets
- fix crash if double tap on bubble in app drawer
- fix a bug when selecting facebook or rate links in settings
- fix a rounding problem that caused the very last line/column of the screen to be unused
- fix a crash when adding app widgets in some situation
- fix the bug in the app drawer where zooming in too much prevents from zooming out
- fix a scrolling wallpaper not being updated when switching screens
LLX v7 (no v6)
- reworked setup, with live item and page preview, easier to use
- support for scrolling stop points
- support for language packs
- support for a better and more efficient box model, allowing margins, borders and padding
- add “snap to page” option
- delay a bit item selection to avoid flashing when swiping
- improvement in side scrolling when moving an item on a screen edge
- add an option to restrict scroll to a single direction at a time (forbid diagonal scrolling)
- protect against a lack of permission when launching some shortcuts (namely direct dial with privileged number)
- the thing that was previously known as “page” is know called “screen”
LLX v5.2.1
- fix handle bug
LLX v5.2
- prevent the setup tool from running correctly, because really, really, really it should have been uninstalled a while ago, thus preventing new apps to appear twice in the app drawer. Use the reload menu option from the app drawer screen to remove duplicates, if you are in this situation.
- better handling of pinned items (easier to use and more intuitive, especially in free mode)
- fixed FC when double tapping on menu items
LLX v5.1
- better app drawer (zoom is more useful, thanks Moritz !)
- 2 fingers swipe, used as configurable gestures in normal mode, or used to scroll the dashboard in edit mode
- support for scrolling wallpaper inside the page (need Android 2.0+)
- faster items move, in particular with complex widgets
- smarter and faster edition grid: intersections will be drawn as dots under a given zoom level, and will be even hidden when the grid is too small to be usable
- add an option to set folders borders (plain color only, no image yet)
- add an option to reset the current page
- add an option to remove the 1 pixel folder padding, which is used to fix an animation glitch only seen on some devices
- swap swipe left/right labels in settings
- change default screen rotation setting from auto to system
- slight improvement in settings: options with multiple choices now display the current value
- resolved a problem where handles were not registering touch
- fixed a crash when moving an item out of folder while already in edit mode
- fixed an animation glitch when dropping items
- fixed a crash when tapping twice rapidly on “Remove” item
- fixed several problems when reloading apps from the app drawer
- at last but not least, custom icons and labels are now preserved upon app update
LLX v5.0.2
- fix problem of menu not appearing on some android tablets
LLX v5.0.1
- fix bug in HandleView (Bitmap.getConfig() return null)
LLX v5.0
- merge with setup tool and app widget plugin
- way better user experience when editing the home screen (in my humble opinion, but you will judge yourself)
- copy items position when switching from grid mode to free mode, and no message anymore
- in free mode, scaling an item with right or bottom handles will keep item proportions, while using left and top handles will only affect one dimension
- added a few cheap animations to bring a bit more eye candy while preserving resources
- add -/+ buttons on slider dialogs
- add an auto close option for folders (off by default)
- support for widget preview in folders icons
- support for setting item transparency
- fix incorrect background color with transparency
- fix preference appearance (wrong font size and margins)
- improve swipe detection
- Home key now resets navigation history
- a batch of minor changes in menu, preferences order or labels
LLXS v2.21
- add option to launch a custom app upon key or gesture
- add support for moving items out of folders (move it to the parent page or folder)
LLX v4.11
- support launching a custom app upon key or gesture
LLXS v2.20
- support for configuring swipe actions
- add an option to select animation to play during page transition
- add a thin rectangle in layout edit mode to show where screen boundaries are currently located
- fix color picker for QVGA devices
- disable alpha channel on background wallpaper since it is meaningless
LLX v4.10
- add swipe gestures ! Only enabled when scrolling is not possible in the given direction though, you cannot scroll and swipe at the same time. (by default swipe gestures are not configured, you need to set your prefered action)
- better navigation history handling
- make LL appear as an app so that it can be started from elsewhere
- fix a bug when using the previous page action where the launcher could freeze
LLXS v2.19.2
- fix for custom folder icon, sorry !
LLXS v2.19.1
- fix for broken sliders with % value (reflection)
LLXS v2.19
- support for dual position
- better color picker, with hexadecimal editor
- better usability of sliders preferences: the slider is now shown in a dialog box with a text entry, this will avoid false move and improve fine tuning.
- disabled translations that were outdated, sorry I don’t have the time nor energy to keep them up to date at the moment.
- updated menu item names, and removed “Settings” from layout mode (still there in normal mode)
- add z-order icon
LLX v4.9
- support for dual position: items can have a position in portrait mode, and another one in landscape mode. This is useful to fine tune the layout according to the screen orientation.
- support for using distinct setup per screen orientation (not enabled)
- yet another fix on folders sometimes not centered on their content
- fix status bar covering items after hide/unhide
- support for “dynamic” folder icons (grid, stack)
- fix a problem with widgets where the selection box was appearing again and again
LLX v4.8.1
- fix a problem with folders, where scrolling was incorrectly reset
- add support for custom item actions (wip)
- better style match for options menu (on 3.0 and later)
LLXS v2.18
- mainly a bug fix release
- add options to set focus colors (for use with directionnal pad, not touch)
LLX v4.8
- add support for directionnal pad (only in launcher, not yet in edit mode)
- android 3.0+ will get the action bar in the app drawer: it will hold the reload button, and the visibility options for devices without hard menu key
- keep visibility attributes in app drawer after a refresh
LLXS v2.17
- new configurable actions: previous/next page
- fix crash add app in setup in free mode
LLX v4.7.1
- fix a navigation bug when using a pager widget inside a folder
- fix a problem with two fingers touch
- miscellaneous fixes (one of which could cause a crash at startup, and another one in the app drawer on long tap)
LLXS v2.16.1
- fix % in listpreference on Android 3.0+
LLX v4.7, LLS v2.16
- add configurable keys
LLX v4.6.2
- fix a problem with cut items on the right in a folder
- fix several bugs and crashes (problem with opening folders, two FC on click and long click)
LLX v4.6.1
- fix “already there” message
LLXS 2.14
- support for folders
- fix z-order changes not always saved
- display a little home icons in layout mode, in order to see where the origin is located
LLX v4.6
- at last but not least: support for folders
- better support for devices without hardware menu key: customize and edit layout actions can now be reached through long press on empty spaces
LL v4.5
- new option for orientatiacton: follow system settings
- improved memory usage. In some situations and on some devices it can be twice as low !
- fix crash
- support for text shadow
- support for bold and italic text
- support for shortcuts and widgets background color (when not selected)
- support for configurable thickness for grid lines
- keep in memory option, use only if you are experiencing long ‘back to home’, but better avoid it
LLS 2.12
- new option for orientation: follow system settings
- new options for text shadow
- new options for text bold / italic
- new options for setting shortcuts and widgets background color
- new options for setting the grid lines thickness
- new option for keep in memory
- ability to configure objets Z-order
- fix problem of settings not always grayed as they should
- fix rounding error on some sliders
LLS 2.11.5
- fix several sources of crash
LL v4.4.2
- fix Android 1.6 support
LL 4.4.1, LLS 2.11.4
- workaround for icons
LLS v2.11.3
- fix install shortcut without intent
LLS v2.11.2
- remove contribute link
LLS v2.11.1
- fix item renaming
LLS v2.11
- add an option to configure pinned items
- easier per item configuration: it is now possible to override each setting individually
LL v4.4
- support for pinned items
- fix contacts shortcuts
LLS v2.10.1
- fix sliders bug (symptom: messed preferences and possibly crash, this was only affecting some Android versions)
LL v4.3.1
- fix the bounce effect that could appear when opening the app drawer
- fix a “jump” bug when scrolling the workspace, it could be seen when using some widgets (like the digital clock)
LLS v2.10
- fix menu/add: in some circumstances it was adding items at a wrong place (far bottom/left corner)
- add an option to configure the line height in grid mode
- add a link to the backup/restore tool
LL v4.3
- support for configurable line height in grid mode
LL v4.2.1
- fix menu/add: in some circumstances it was adding items at a wrong place (far bottom/left corner)
LL v4.2, LLS v2.9
- add an option to disable pinch zoom
- add an option to set the scrolling speed and reduced a bit the default value
- minor fix in seekbar setting display
- fix a bug that caused some icons to disappear from the app drawer when the app is updated
LL 3.2.1
- fix the bug with hiding apps in the app drawer.
- support for alternate wallpaper management, which may be faster and solve some issues on some device. Please note that it might also be slower on some other devices
LL 3.2
- add support for pages
- way better icon picker: choose an image from your gallery and it will be automatically resized
- snap to grid (5px) in free mode when moving objects, for easier alignment
- add reload menu item in the app drawer
LL 3.1 / 2012-03-05 16:10
- add an option for multiline text (default value is 1 line, you can now increase this up to 5 lines)
- fix 2 bugs (a force close when trying to use invalid fonts and a ‘minor’ force close that could appear once only at startup in rare occasions)
- add Polish translations (many thanks to Szymon Woyke) Spanish translations (many thanks to FAMM) and French translations (thanks to moi-même
LL 3.0, LLS 2.2 / 2012-02-26 17:00
- split core and setup tool
LL 2.3.1 / 2012-01-31 10:15
- fix color dialog
LL 2.3 / 2012-01-29 17:00
- free wallpaper
LL 2.2.3 / 2012-01-06 16:45
- show status bar when menu key hit
- performance improvement in text handling
- fix growing icon cache
LL 2.2.2 / 2011-12-29 16:40
- definitely fix the default icon bug (I finally found the root cause)
- fix the problem of columns count changing (was not fixed for themes)
- add a “Hide status bar option”
- add Polish translations from Woysz, Thank you Woysz
LL 2.2.1 / 2011-11-11 16:30
- fix key restore
- fix layout when decreasing columns
LL 2.2 / 2011-12-02 16:30
- transparent colors
- text selection color
LL 2.1 / 2011-11-11 16:30
LL 2.0 / 2011-10-14 18:40
- renamed to “Lightning Launcher” !
- improved font management (copy font to internal storage)
- fix rename item bug
- Japanese translations, many thanks to Kazushige Kodama !
TH 1.6 / 2011-10-12 19:30
- distinct set of configuration for main screen and app list
- add an option to improve icons rendering (on by default on ldpi devices, off on all other devices)
- wallpaper tinting
- font selection from sdcard
- new icon
TH 1.5 / 2011-10-05 17:00
- fix bug with htc sense
- fix bug on some app names
- faster app drawer
TH 1.4 / 2011-09-24 16:34
- fix strange behaviour of the “back” key in some situations
- change the menu so that “Settings” starts “Android settings” and “Customize” starts “Tiny Home settings”
- moved “Infos” out of menu (now in the customization screen)
- fix application details menu for some versions of Android
- add standard search behaviour to the search button
- add contextual menu on long press in the app drawer
- add wallpaper support !
TH 1.3 / 2011-09-17 16:30
- the settings have been split in multiple screens for better clarity
- add a screen orientation settings (auto, portrait, landscape). It can be found under “Settings->Miscellaneous…->”
- support for text only display (with a sample theme). Not loading icons can save some more resources !
- way better flexibility for text positioning (horizontal/vertical alignement, possibility to draw the label at the left, right, top or bottom of the icon)
- support for drawing grid lines, with customizable colors
- add 2 new themes (list with and without icons)
TH 1.2 / 2011-09-09 17:12
TH 1.1 / 2011-09-02 17:02
TH 1.0 / 2011-08-26 16:55
- initial release