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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== About the script ====== * Purpose : this script automatically sets up app freezing on any action you want. * Author : cdfa * Initial request: * GitHub: * Version: 1.8.3 ====== How to use the script ====== Run script in any container to run setup freezing and unfreezing actions for all items. The action is configurable at the top of the script. You can setup autosync in the setup, or you can sync manually from the container menu => items => sync, or you can run the script from any item in the container with "sync" (without the "") as data, or from anywhere if you put the container id directly behind it, so like "sync1". You can sync items separately from the item menu and choosing Sync, or sync all items in a container also from the item menu. This can also be done when the items are in a folder by longpressing the folder item. Run the script from the container again to uninstall (this won't clear events you manually set to sync the container). Please report all issues at the GitHub page. ====== Changelog ====== 1.8 * Updated to LL 14b7 * sync action is now in the items menu in the container menu as well * uninstall everywhere function is lost for now, because i cannot distinguish between the menu from the menu of a container anymore. Please suggest new triggers if you want this functionality back. 1.8.1 * workaround for double comfirm crash in LL14 * Added item description to the toast message that is displayed if the item doesn't launch an app * Made the changes in actually work * Toasts message that says the item doesn't launch an app now only shows when you're actually trying to freeze that item and not anymore on each sync. 1.8.2 * The double confirm crash got fixed, so the workaround was removed * Only commands that need root are executed as root 1.8.3 * Added freezeing/unfreezing all item from menu * Added long press folder to freeze/unfreeze all items in it ====== Script code ====== <sxh javascript> var blackList = ["net.pierrox.lightning_launcher_extreme"] , whiteList = [] // for Sources see: // for Events see // you may only have to set 1 in the future. , freezeSource = "I_LONG_CLICK" , freezeEvent = "i.longTap"; bindClass("android.widget.Toast"); bindClass(""); bindClass('java.lang.Runtime'); bindClass(''); bindClass(''); bindClass(''); bindClass('java.lang.StringBuffer'); bindClass("java.lang.Runnable"); bindClass("java.lang.Thread"); bindClass("android.os.Handler"); bindClass("android.os.Looper"); var script = getCurrentScript() , screen = getActiveScreen() , context = screen.getContext() , threads = [] , GUIHandler = new Handler() , frozenApps; function setEventHandlerRestorably(ob, name, action, data){ var prop = ob.getProperties() , ed = prop.edit() , evHa = prop.getEventHandler(name); evHa = [evHa.getAction(), evHa.getData()]; ed.setEventHandler(name, action, data); ed.commit(); ob.setTag("old " + name + " evHa", JSON.stringify(evHa)); } function restoreEventHandler(ob, name){ if(ob){ var evHa = JSON.parse(ob.getTag("old " + name + " evHa")); if(evHa){ var ed = ob.getProperties().edit(); ed.setEventHandler(name, evHa[0], evHa[1]); ed.commit(); ob.setTag("name", null); }else{ throw new Error("No eventhandler backup for " + name + " on " + ob + "found!") } }else{ throw new Error("Cannot restore " + name + "of null!") } } function uninstall(c){ if(c && c.getTag("longTapFreeze")){ c.setTag("longTapFreeze", false); restoreEventHandler(c, freezeEvent); restoreEventHandler(c, ""); restoreEventHandler(c, "menu"); if(c.getTag("autosync") == "true") restoreEventHandler(c, "resumed"); c.getAllItems().forEach(function(it){ if(isFrozen(it)) unfreezeEffect(it); }); var cs = screen.getAllContainersById(c.getId()); cs.forEach(function(c){ var opener; if((opener = c.getOpener()) && opener.getType() == "Folder"){ if(isFrozen(opener)) unfreezeEffect(opener); } }); } } function isArray(object){ return == '[object Array]'; } /* ATTENTION: if multiple commands are executed as root, the output will be an array of the returned lines if multiple commands are not executed as root, the output will be an array of returned outputs (which are themselves arrays of lines) */ function runCmd(cmds, asRoot, newThread, callback, onExecuted){ var handler = getHandler() , output, process, reader, writer; function execCmd(){ function checkCmd(cmd){ if(typeof(cmd) === "string"){ return true; }else handleGUIEdit(function(){ alert(cmd + " is not a string!"); }); return false; } function exec(cmd, writer){ if(checkCmd(cmd)){ writer.writeBytes(cmd + "\n"); writer.flush(); return true; } return false; } function readOutput(reader){ var tmp, output = []; while((tmp = reader.readLine()) != null) output.push(tmp); return output.length == 1 ? output[0] : output; } function handleCallback(callback, output){ if(typeof callback == "function"){{ callback(output); }); }else if(callback){ handleGUIEdit(function(){ alert(callback + " is not a function!"); }); } } try{ if(asRoot){ process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su"); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); writer = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream()); if(isArray(cmds)){ output = []; cmds.forEach(function(cmd){ if(exec(cmd, writer)){ handleCallback(onExecuted); } }); exec("exit", writer); writer.close(); output = readOutput(reader); handleCallback(callback, output); }else{ var succes = exec(cmds, writer); exec("exit", writer); writer.close(); if(succes){ output = readOutput(reader); handleCallback(onExecuted); handleCallback(callback, output); } } reader.close(); process.waitFor(); }else{ if(isArray(cmds)){ var outputs = []; cmds.forEach(function(cmd){ if(checkCmd(cmd)){ process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); output = readOutput(reader); reader.close(); outputs.push(output); handleCallback(onExecuted); handleCallback(callback, output); } }); process.waitFor(); return outputs; }else{ process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmds); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); output = readOutput(reader); reader.close(); process.waitFor(); handleCallback(onExecuted); handleCallback(callback, output); return output; } } }catch(err){ handleGUIEdit(function(){ alert("At line " + err.lineNumber + ": " + err); }); } } if(asRoot && isArray(callback)) throw new Error("Multiple callbacks are not possible in su mode. Use onExecuteds instead."); if(newThread === false){ return execCmd(); }else{ startNewBackgroundThread(function(){ execCmd(); }) } } function getPackageName(it){ try{ return it.getIntent().getComponent().getPackageName(); }catch(e){ return null; } } function isFreezable(pkgName){ if(!pkgName) return false; var onBlackList = false, onWhiteList; for(var i = 0; i < blackList.length; i++){ if(pkgName == blackList[i]){ onBlackList = true; break; } } if(whiteList.length == 0){ onWhiteList = true; }else{ onWhiteList = false; for(var i = 0; i < whiteList.length; i++){ if(pkgName == whiteList[i]){ onWhiteList = true; break; } } } return !onBlackList && onWhiteList; } function freezeChecks(it, allGood, giveFeedback){ var pkgName = getPackageName(it) , freezeAble = isFreezable(pkgName); if(pkgName && freezeAble){ allGood(pkgName); }else if(giveFeedback !== false){ if(!pkgName) Toast.makeText(context, it + " doesn't launch an app!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); else if(!freezeAble) Toast.makeText(context, "Cannot freeze/unfreeze! (Probably because of black- or whitelist", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } function freeze(it){ if(it.getType() == "Folder"){ freezeContainer(it.getContainer()); }else{ freezeChecks(it, function(pkgName){ runCmd("pm disable " + pkgName, true, true, null, function(){ freezeEffect(it); }); }); } } function unfreeze(it){ if(it.getType() == "Folder"){ unfreezeContainer(it.getContainer()); }else{ freezeChecks(it, function(pkgName){ runCmd("pm enable " + pkgName, true, true, null, function(){ unfreezeEffect(it); }); }); } } function freezeEffect(it){ it.getProperties().edit().setInteger("s.iconColorFilter", 0x00ffffff).commit(); it.setTag("frozen", true); } function unfreezeEffect(it){ it.getProperties().edit().setInteger("s.iconColorFilter", 0xffffffff).commit(); it.setTag("frozen", false); } function batchFreezeAction(items, action, callback){ var frozenStateChecker, cmd, effect; if(action == "freeze"){ frozenStateChecker = function(it){ return !isFrozen(it); }; cmd = "pm disable "; effect = function(it){ freezeEffect(it); } }else if(action == "unfreeze"){ frozenStateChecker = function(it){ return isFrozen(it); }; cmd = "pm enable "; effect = function(it){ unfreezeEffect(it); } } var freezableItems = [] , cmds = []; items.forEach(function(it){ if(frozenStateChecker(it)){ freezeChecks(it, function(pkgName){ freezableItems.push(it); cmds.push(cmd + pkgName); }, false); } }); if(cmds.length != 0){ var counter = 0; runCmd(cmds, true, true, function(){ callback(); }, function(){ effect(freezableItems[counter]); counter++; }); } } function containerFreezeAction(c, effect){ var cs = screen.getAllContainersById(c.getId()); cs.forEach(function(c){ var opener; if((opener = c.getOpener()) && opener.getType() == "Folder") effect(opener); }); } function freezeContainer(c){ batchFreezeAction(c.getAllItems(), "freeze", function(){ containerFreezeAction(c, freezeEffect); }); } function unfreezeContainer(c){ batchFreezeAction(c.getAllItems(), "unfreeze", function(){ containerFreezeAction(c, unfreezeEffect); }); } function isFrozen(it){ return it.getTag("frozen") == "true"; } function getFrozenApps(){ if(frozenApps == null){ frozenApps = []; var pkgs = runCmd("pm list packages -d", false, false); pkgs.forEach(function(pkg, i){ frozenApps[i] = pkg.split(":")[1]; }); } return frozenApps; } function syncContainer(c){ startNewBackgroundThread(function(){ var items = c.getItems(); for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ syncItem(items.getAt(i)); } }); } function syncItem(it){ var frozenApps = getFrozenApps(); if(it.getType() == "Shortcut"){ var pkgName = getPackageName(it); if(pkgName && isFreezable(pkgName)){ var isFrozen = it.getTag("frozen") == "true"; var matched = frozenApps.some(function(pkg){ return pkg == pkgName; }); if(!isFrozen && matched){ handleGUIEdit(function(){ freezeEffect(it); }); }else if(isFrozen && !matched){ handleGUIEdit(function(){ unfreezeEffect(it); }); } } } } function handleGUIEdit(func){ if(Looper.getMainLooper().getThread() == Thread.currentThread()){ func(); }else{; } } function startNewBackgroundThread(func){ var thread = new Thread(function(){ func(); if(threads[Thread.currentThread().getId()].prepared == true){ Looper.myLooper().getQueue().addIdleHandler(function(){ Looper.myLooper().quitSafely(); }); Looper.loop(); } }); thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(function(th, ex){ handleGUIEdit(function(){ alert(ex.getMessage()); }); }); threads[thread.getId()] = {}; thread.start(); } function getHandler(){ if(Looper.getMainLooper().getThread() == Thread.currentThread()){ return GUIHandler; }else{ var threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId(); if(threads[threadId].prepared != true){ Looper.prepare(); threads[threadId].prepared = true; } return new Handler(); } } if(typeof getEvent != "undefined"){ var c , e = getEvent() , it = e.getItem() , data = e.getData(); if(data){ if(data == "sync"){ if(c = e.getContainer()){ syncContainer(c); }else{ throw new Error("Could not find a way to determine the container to sync. Run the script from an item in the container or from the container itself or add the container id directly afrer 'sync'.") } }else if(data.substring(0, 4) == "sync"){ var cId = data.substring(4, data.length); c = screen.getContainerById(cId); if(!c) throw new Error("Could not find container with id:" + cId); syncContainer(c); } }else{ if(!it){ c = e.getContainer(); cId = c.getId(); if(c.getTag("longTapFreeze") == "true"){ if(confirm("Are you sure you want to uninstall?")){ uninstall(c); Toast.makeText(context, "Uninstalled!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }else{ if(confirm("Are you sure you want to install?")){ c.setTag("longTapFreeze", true); setEventHandlerRestorably(c, freezeEvent, EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, script.getId()); setEventHandlerRestorably(c, "", EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, script.getId()); setEventHandlerRestorably(c, "menu", EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, script.getId()); if(confirm("Do you want to enable autosync?")){ setEventHandlerRestorably(c, "resumed", EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, script.getId() + "/sync"); syncContainer(c); c.setTag("autosync", true); } Toast.makeText(context, "Installed!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }else{ //long tap var src = e.getSource(); if(src == freezeSource){ if(isFrozen(it)){ unfreeze(it); }else{ freeze(it); } } } } }else if(menu){ var mode = menu.getMode(); if(mode == Menu.MODE_ITEM_SUBMENU_ACTION || mode == Menu.MODE_ITEM_NO_EM){ menu.addMainItem("Sync frozen-state", function(){ syncItem(item); menu.close(); }); }else if(mode == Menu.MODE_CONTAINER_SUBMENU_ITEMS){ menu.addMainItem("Sync frozen-state", function(){ syncContainer(container); menu.close(); }); menu.addMainItem("Freeze all items", function(){ freezeContainer(container); menu.close(); }); menu.addMainItem("Unfreeze all items", function(){ unfreezeContainer(container); menu.close(); }); } } </sxh>

script_autosetupappfreeze.1482001149.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/17 18:59 by cdfa