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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== About the script ====== * Purpose : this script automatically sets up app freezing on any action you want. * Author : cdfa * Initial request: * GitHub: * Version: 1.6b1 ====== How to use the script ====== Run script in any container to run setup freezing and unfreezing actions for all items. The action is configurable at the top of the script. You can setup autosync in the setup, or you can sync manually from any item put in the container by running the script with "sync" (without the") as data, or from anywhere if you put the container id directly behind it, so like (sync1). You can sync items seperately from the items meny and chosing Sync from the menu. If the menu is opened in any other way then is specified at the top of the script extra items won't be there. Run the script from the container again to uninstall (this won't clear events you manually set to sync the container). Run the script from the lightning menu to uninstall from every container. Please report all issues at the GitHub page. ====== Changelog ====== * added option to not install autosync * added the option so sync containers in other ways * added the sync button to the item menu * remove 3c toolbox dependencie ====== Script code ====== <sxh javascript> var blackList = ["net.pierrox.lightning_launcher_extreme"] , whiteList = [] // for Sources see: // for Event see // you may only have to set 1 in the future. , freezeSource = "I_LONG_CLICK" , freezeEvent = "i.longTap" , menuSource = "I_SWIPE_UP" , menuEvent = "i.swipeUp"; var logScript=LL.getScriptByName('logScript');if(logScript){try{return eval('(function(){'+logScript.getText()+'})()');}catch(e){if(e.message!="Custom view not found!"&&e.message!="Custom view not loaded!"){alert(e);}function log(){}}}else{function log(){}}/*logScriptEnd*/ LL.bindClass(""); LL.bindClass("android.content.DialogInterface"); LL.bindClass("android.widget.Toast"); LL.bindClass(""); LL.bindClass('java.lang.Runtime'); LL.bindClass(''); LL.bindClass(''); LL.bindClass('java.lang.StringBuffer'); LL.bindClass("java.lang.Runnable"); LL.bindClass("java.lang.Thread"); LL.bindClass("android.os.AsyncTask"); var e = LL.getEvent(); var it = e.getItem(); var script = LL.getCurrentScript(); var context = LL.getContext(); var data = e.getData(); function loanEventHandler(ob, name, action, data){ var prop = ob.getProperties(); var ed = prop.edit(); var evHa = prop.getEventHandler(name); evHa = [evHa.getAction(), evHa.getData()]; ed.setEventHandler(name, action, data); ed.commit(); ob.setTag("old "+name+" evHa", JSON.stringify(evHa)); } function returnEventHandler(ob, name){ var ed = ob.getProperties().edit(); var evHa = JSON.parse(ob.getTag("old "+name+" evHa")); ed.setEventHandler(name, evHa[0], evHa[1]); ed.commit(); ob.setTag("name", null); } function customConfirmDialog(title,onConfirmFunction){ var builder=new AlertDialog.Builder(context); builder.setCancelable(true); builder.setTitle(title); builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel",new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){onClick:function(dialog,id){dialog.dismiss();}}); builder.setPositiveButton("Confirm",new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){onClick:function(dialog,id){dialog.dismiss();setTimeout(onConfirmFunction,0);}});; } function uninstall(c){ if(c){ c.setTag("longTapFreeze",false); returnEventHandler(c, freezeEvent); returnEventHandler(c, menuEvent); if(c.getTag("autosync")=="true")returnEventHandler(c, "resumed"); var frozenItIds = getFrozenItIds(c) for(var i=0;i<frozenItIds.length;i++){ var it = c.getItemById(frozenItIds[i]); if(it){ it.getProperties().edit().setInteger("s.iconColorFilter",0xffffffff).commit(); it.setTag("frozen",false); } } c.setTag("frozenItIds",null); } } function runAsRoot(cmd) { try { var process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su"); var reader = new DataInputStream(process.getInputStream()); var writer = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream()); writer.writeBytes(cmd + '\n'); writer.flush(); writer.close(); var tmp; var output = []; while ((tmp = reader.readLine()) != null) { output.push(tmp); } reader.close(); process.waitFor(); return output; } catch (err) { log("{} At line {}", logScript.logLevel.ERROR, err, err.lineNumber); } } function getPackageName(it){ try{ return it.getIntent().getComponent().getPackageName(); }catch(e){ Toast.makeText(context, "This item doesn't launch an app!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return null; } } function isFreezable(pkgName){ if(!pkgName) return false; var onBlackList = false; for(var i=0;i<blackList.length;i++){ if(pkgName==blackList[i]){ onBlackList=true; break; } } if(whiteList.length==0){ onWhiteList = true; }else{ onWhiteList = false; for(var i=0;i<whiteList.length;i++){ if(pkgName==whiteList[i]){ onWhiteList=true; break; } } } /*var pm = context.getPackageManager(); try { pm.getPackageInfo( "" , PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); var toolboxInstalled = true; var sendToPkg = ""; } catch (e) { try { pm.getPackageInfo("", PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); toolboxInstalled = true; var sendToPkg = ""; } catch (e) { var toolboxInstalled = false; } }*/ /*if(!onBlackList && onWhiteList && toolboxInstalled){ return {sendToPkg: sendToPkg, pkgName: pkgName}; }*/ return !onBlackList && onWhiteList; } function freeze(it, pkgName, frozenItIds){ runAsRoot("pm disable "+pkgName); freezeEffect(it, frozenItIds); } function unfreeze(it, pkgName, frozenItIds){ runAsRoot("pm enable "+pkgName); unfreezeEffect(it, frozenItIds); } function freezeEffect(it, frozenItIds){ it.getProperties().edit().setInteger("s.iconColorFilter",0x00ffffff).commit(); it.setTag("frozen",true); frozenItIds.push(it.getId()); } function unfreezeEffect(it, frozenItIds){ it.getProperties().edit().setInteger("s.iconColorFilter",0xffffffff).commit(); it.setTag("frozen",false); frozenItIds.splice(frozenItIds.indexOf(it.getId()),1); } function getFrozenItIds(c){ return JSON.parse(c.getTag("frozenItIds")) || [] } function getFrozenApps(){ var frozenApps = runAsRoot("pm list packages -d"); for(var i=0;i<frozenApps.length;i++){ frozenApps[i] = frozenApps[i].split(":")[1]; } return frozenApps; } function syncContainer(c){ if(!frozenItIds) var frozenItIds = getFrozenItIds(c); if(!frozenApps) var frozenApps = getFrozenApps(); var items = c.getItems(); for(var i = 0; i<items.length; i++){ syncItem(items.getAt(i), frozenApps, frozenItIds); } c.setTag("frozenItIds", JSON.stringify(frozenItIds)); } function syncItem(it, frozenApps, frozenItIds){ if(!frozenItIds) var frozenItIds = getFrozenItIds(it.getParent()); if(!frozenApps) var frozenApps = getFrozenApps(); if(it.getType()=="Shortcut"){ var pkgName = getPackageName(it); if(pkgName && isFreezable(pkgName)){ var matched = false; var isFrozen = it.getTag("frozen")=="true"; for(var j = 0; j<frozenApps.length; j++){ //if(it.getIntent().getComponent().getPackageName().split("/") == frozenApps[j]){ if(pkgName==frozenApps[j]){ matched = true; if(isFreezable(it) && !isFrozen){ freezeEffect(it, frozenItIds); } } } if(!matched && isFrozen){ unfreezeEffect(it, frozenItIds); } } } } if(data){ if(data.length == 4){ var c; if(it){ syncContainer(it.getParent()); }else if(c = e.getContainer()){ syncContainer(c); }else{ throw new Error("Could not find a way to determine the container to sync. Run the script from an item in the container or from the container itself or add the container id directly afrer 'sync'.") } }else if(data.substring(0,4) == "sync"){ var cId = data.substring(4, data.length) var c = LL.getContainerById(cId); if(!c)throw new Error("Could not find container with id:"+ cId) syncContainer(c); } }else{ if(!it){ var c = e.getContainer(); var cIds = JSON.parse(script.getTag("cIds")) || []; if(c){ cId = c.getId(); if(c.getTag("longTapFreeze")=="true"){ customConfirmDialog("Are you sure you want to uninstall?", function(){ uninstall(c); cIds.splice(cIds.indexOf(c.getId()),1); script.setTag("cIds", JSON.stringify(cIds)); Toast.makeText(context, "Uninstalled!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }); }else{ customConfirmDialog("Are you sure you want to install?", function(){ cIds.push(c.getId()); c.setTag("longTapFreeze",true); loanEventHandler(c, freezeEvent, EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, script.getId()); loanEventHandler(c, menuEvent, EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, script.getId()); customConfirmDialog("Do you want to enable autosync?", function(){ loanEventHandler(c, "resumed", EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, script.getId()+"sync"); c.setTag("autosync", true); }); script.setTag("cIds", JSON.stringify(cIds)); Toast.makeText(context, "Installed!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }); } }else{ customConfirmDialog("Are you sure you want to uninstall from every container?", function(){ for(var i=0;i<cIds.length;i++){ uninstall(LL.getContainerById(cIds[i])); } script.setTag("cIds",null); Toast.makeText(context, "Uninstalled everywhere!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }); } } else { var src = e.getSource(); if(src==freezeSource){ var c = it.getParent(); var frozenItIds = getFrozenItIds(c) //var freezeInfo; var pkgName = getPackageName(it); if(isFreezable(pkgName)){ //LL.runAction(EventHandler.LAUNCH_SHORTCUT, "#Intent;;launchFlags=0x34000000;component="+freezeInfo.sendToPkg+"/;"+freezeInfo.pkgName+";end"); if(it.getTag("frozen")=="true"){ unfreeze(it, pkgName, frozenItIds); }else{ freeze(it, pkgName, frozenItIds); } c.setTag("frozenItIds", JSON.stringify(frozenItIds)); }else{ Toast.makeText(context, "Cannot freeze/unfreeze! (Probably because of black- or whitelist", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }else if(src == menuSource){ LL.bindClass("android.R"); LL.bindClass("java.util.ArrayList"); LL.bindClass("android.view.ViewTreeObserver"); LL.bindClass("android.widget.Button"); LL.bindClass("android.view.View"); LL.bindClass("android.os.Build"); var pkg = context.getPackageName(); var rsrc = context.getResources(); var id = rsrc.getIdentifier("bubble_content", "id", pkg); var menu = context.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(id); var menuRoot = menu.getParent(); var version = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; function add(text,onClickFunction,first,list){ var t=new Button(LL.getContext()); if(version >= 16) t.setBackground(first.getBackground().mutate().getConstantState().newDrawable()); else t.setBackgroundDrawable(first.getBackground().mutate().newDrawable()); t.setTypeface(first.getTypeface()); if(version >= 14) t.setAllCaps(false); t.setTextSize(0,first.getTextSize()); if(version >= 21) t.setFontFeatureSettings(first.getFontFeatureSettings()); t.setGravity(first.getGravity()); t.setText(text); t.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){ onClick:onClickFunction }); list.addView(t); } var obs=menuRoot.getViewTreeObserver(); var l=new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener(){ onGlobalLayout:function(){ var list=menu; var first=list.getChildAt(0); add("Sync", function(){ syncItem(it); },first, list) obs.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(l); return true; } }; obs.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(l); LL.runAction(EventHandler.LAUNCHER_MENU); } } } </sxh>

script_autosetupappfreeze.1470682102.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/08 18:48 by cdfa