===== About the script ====== * Purpose : Get OpenWeather-data for given city. (current & next 10 days) * - binds weather-data as json to .self and binding-variables. * - refreshes every: data_refresh_interval_minutes * Author : Jappie Toutenhoofd (https://plus.google.com/+JappieToutenhoofd) * Link : https://plus.google.com/+JappieToutenhoofd/posts/ ====== Script code ====== ======= OWM-load ======= <code> var data_refresh_interval_minutes = 60; if ( self.APIcomm == null) {var api_script = LL.getScriptByName("APIcomm"); if (api_script == null) { alert( "Also import script 'APIcomm'. \n This script depends on it."); return;} LL.runScript('APIcomm', null); } if (self.owm == null) {self.owm = {}; self.owm.req = {}; self.owm.last = 0; self.owm.timer = 0; } //api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5 var Req1 = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/"; var Req2 = "?q=hoofddorp,nl"; // <-- your city,land here !! Req2 += "&units=metric"; // or imperial Req2 += "&lang=nl"; // or other country code for language Req2 += "&APPID=59a20bd1ce89c6599758a2a0aeae9423"; self.owm.req.current = Req1 + "weather" + Req2; self.owm.req.forcast = Req1 + "forecast/daily" + Req2 + "&cnt=10"; self.owm.days = ["Zo","Ma","Di","Wo","Do","Vr","Za"]; function refreshOWM() { // prevent event flouding var nu = new Date(); if ((nu - self.owm.last) > (data_refresh_interval_minutes *60000))   { var repl = self.APIcomm(self.owm.req.current); if (repl == null){return;}; self.owm.current = JSON.parse(repl); LL.setVariableString("owm", repl); var repl = self.APIcomm(self.owm.req.forcast); if (repl == null){return;}; self.owm.forcast = JSON.parse(repl); } self.owm.timer = setTimeout(refreshOWM, 600000); } clearTimeout(self.owm.timer); refreshOWM(); </code> ======= OWM-example ======= <code> if (self.owm == null) { var owm_script = LL.getScriptByName("OWM-load"); if (owm_script == null) { alert( "Also import script 'OWM-load'. \n This script depends on it."); return; }; LL.runScript('OWM-load', null); }; if (self.owm.current == null) { LL.runScript('OWM-load', null); alert("Weather data requested, \n Tap again to update."); return; }; var i = LL.getEvent().getItem(); var t = self.owm.current.main.temp.toFixed(1); var c = self.owm.current.weather[0].id; var ofset = 60000; if (self.owm.current.dt < self.owm.current.sys.sunrise) {ofset += 1000 } if (self.owm.current.dt > self.owm.current.sys.sunset) {ofset += 1000 } var s=String.fromCharCode(ofset + c); var d = self.owm.current.weather[0].description; var w = parseInt(self.owm.current.wind.deg); i.setLabel(w + " " + t + "C "+ s +" " + d,true);  alert("last updated: " + new Date(1000 * self.owm.current.dt)); alert(JSON.stringify( self.owm.current)); alert(JSON.stringify( self.owm.forcast)); var test = new Date(1000 * self.owm.forcast.list[9].dt); alert( "in 9 days it is: " + self.owm.days[test.getDay()] + " " + test.getDate() + " and " + self.owm.forcast.list[9].weather[0].main ); </code>