===== About the script ====== * Purpose : Load multiple scripts in the right order. * Author : Jappie Toutenhoofd (https://plus.google.com/+JappieToutenhoofd) * Link : https://plus.google.com/+JappieToutenhoofd/posts/ ===== Use of the script ====== * Set this script on the load-event of your Desktop. * Adjust the last lines to your needs. ====== Script code ====== ======= Loader-1 ======= <code> function delayedLoad(scrpt) {var exist = LL.getScriptByName(scrpt); if (exist == null) { alert( scrpt + " script does not exist."); return; }  setTimeout(LL.runScript(scrpt, null), d); d += 400; }  // initial delay var d = 800; delayedLoad("APIcomm"); delayedLoad("OWM-load"); </code>