====== About the script ====== * Purpose : This script allows to set a folder as a carousel of items. * Author : [[https://plus.google.com/u/1/105066926163073195690|TrianguloY]] * Link: https://plus.google.com/u/1/105066926163073195690/posts/KP1XNsaiV1R (with video) ====== How to use the script ====== Instructions:Run this script from a folder item (remember to check 'item menu' in the script editor) to automatically: Change the item folder ; Set the script to the swipe directions and tap ; Open the folder You can optionally pass data to the script to perform this actions: * Launch the first item displayed: "launch" (by default when tap) * Rotate in one direction: "+" (by default swipe left/down) * Rotate in the other direction: "-" (by default swipe right/up) There are also some settings in the script to change the maximum number of items to show, the size of them and the margin. The order of the items is the z-position (the same when going into the hierarchy menu) Note: folders by default have a custom background, you may want to remove it from the item/icon menu. ====== Script code ====== var displayed=4;//Maximum items displayed at once (minimum 1) var b=0.01//border around the item in % var wh=0.6//width/height of the items in % /* Custom data: "launch" will launch the first displayed item, at tap action by default "+" and "-" will rotate the items list (you can use the 'launch item' action to open the folder) */ var event=LL.getEvent(); var it=event.getItem(); if(it==null||it.getType()!="Folder"){ alert("This need to be launched from a folder's item"); return; } //vars var cont=it.getContainer(); var items=cont.getItems(); var n=items.getLength(); //get data var k=parseInt(it.getTag("carousel"))||0; var size=Math.min(displayed,n); //icon var img=copyImage(it.getDefaultIcon()); var canv=img.draw(); //source var dir=event.getSource(); var dat=event.getData(); if(dir=="I_CLICK"||dat=="launch"){items.getAt(k).launch();return;} if(dir=="MENU_ITEM"){ if(!menu())return; } if(dat=="+"||(dat==null&&(dir=="I_SWIPE_LEFT"||dir=="I_SWIPE_DOWN")))++k; if(dat=="-"||(dat==null&&(dir=="I_SWIPE_RIGHT"||dir=="I_SWIPE_UP")))--k; k=(k+n)%n; //vars var r=(1-wh-2*b)/Math.max(1,size-1); var paint=Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG);//ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); LL.bindClass("android.graphics.Rect"); //draw for(var i=size-1;i>=0;--i){ var item=items.getAt((k+i)%n); var bit=item.getCustomIcon()||item.getDefaultIcon(); if(bit==null){continue;} bit=bit.getBitmap(); var rr=r* i; var rect=Rect(canv.getWidth()* (b+rr),canv.getHeight()* (1-b-wh-rr),canv.getWidth()* (b+wh+rr),canv.getHeight()* (1-b-rr)); canv.drawBitmap(bit,null,rect,paint); } //final it.setCustomIcon(img); it.setTag("carousel",k); //end of script function menu(){ if(!confirm("Accept to configure the item\nCancel to open the folder")){ it.open(); return false; } if(confirm("Do you want to choose another image as the folder's icon background? Will override the default previous icon.\n(a null image will set a transparent one)")){ var newimg=LL.pickImage(img.getWidth()*img.getHeight()); if(newimg==null){ newimg=LL.createImage(img.getWidth(),img.getHeight()); } it.setDefaultIcon(newimg); img=copyImage(it.getDefaultIcon()); canv=img.draw(); } if(confirm("Do you want to set this script to the four swipe directions of this item and the tap action?")){ var id=LL.getCurrentScript().getId(); var prop=it.getProperties().edit(); for(var t=0;t<5;++t){ prop.setEventHandler(["i.swipeLeft","i.swipeRight","i.swipeUp","i.swipeDown","i.tap"][t],EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT,id); } prop.commit(); } return true; } //helpers function copyImage(src){ var bmp_orig = src.getBitmap(); var img_copy = LL.createImage(bmp_orig.getWidth(), bmp_orig.getHeight()); img_copy.draw().drawBitmap(bmp_orig, 0, 0, null); img_copy.update(); return img_copy; }