====== About the script ====== * Purpose : This script will give you a beautiful page transition animation and an optional horizontal page loop * Author : [[https://plus.google.com/+LukasMorawietz|LM13]] * Current Version : 1.0 * Link: https://plus.google.com/115366157037831519359/posts/GqZBMeMEpLT * Download avialable! (Check repository) ====== Changelog ====== * Version 1.0 (13/7/2014): initial release in wiki ====== How to use the script ====== * Set the script to the positionchanged event of your container * enable infinte scrolling if you want a page loop, disable it if you don't want to loop through pages * in this container: create a shortcut or a gesture to the script * one click on the shortcut will enable the animation, clicking again will disable the animation. * BE SURE TO DISABLE THE ANIMATION BEFORE YOU EDIT, MOVE OR ADD ITEMS! //please report all bugs in the g+ community!// ====== Script ====== var e=LL.getEvent(); var d=e.getContainer(); var dwidth=d.getWidth(); var dheight=d.getHeight(); var cont=JSON.parse(d.getTag()|| "null"); var items=d.getItems(); if(e.getSource()!="C_POSITION_CHANGED"){ var box=d.getBoundingBox(); if(cont==null) cont=new Object(); cont.minx=box.getLeft(); cont.maxx=box.getRight(); var minpage=Math.floor(cont.minx/dwidth); if(cont.setup!=true) { cont.pages=[]; var counters=[]; for(x=0;x0.005 && percent<99.995) && dposx>cont.minx-dwidth) { var scrollLimit=d.getProperties() .getBoolean("noScrollLimit"); if(dposx>cont.maxx-dwidth&&scrollLimit){ d.setPosition(cont.minx-dwidth,dposy,1,false); } if(dposx=zorder)d.setItemZIndex(items[z],0); item.setScale(0.75+percent/4,0.75+percent/4); item.setPosition(dposx+dwidth/2-(dwidth/2-x)*(0.75+percent/4),dposy+dheight/2-(dheight/2-y)*(0.75+percent/4)); item.getProperties().edit().setInteger("i.alpha",255*percent).commit(); } } } else { d.setPosition(dposx,dposy); d.setPosition(dposx