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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== About the script ====== * Purpose : This script will let you write/paste a script and run it directly from the eval javascript feature. * Author : [[|TrianguloY]] * Link: ====== How to use the script ====== This script is a little tool for those who want to launch short (or long) scripts in an easy way, without need to write a new one, launch it, forget to delete it... Features: * - Automatically save the last executed script * - Custom predefined vars: e-event, c-container, i-item (of the event) * - custom function: Toast(string) IMPORTANT! Since it uses the eval function, you can't use alert,prompt or confirm. That's why I made the Toast one. (Timeouts work) ====== Script code ====== <code> /*Available vars*/ var e = LL.getEvent(); var c = e.getContainer(); var i = e.getItem(); var text = LL.getScriptTag() || ""; var out = prompt("Functions: Toast(string);\nVars: e-event, c-container, i-item\n\nPrevious input: \n"+text+"\n_________________________________________________________",text); //Change this 'line' if you want if(out!=null) { LL.setScriptTag(out); eval(out); } /*available functions*/ function Toast(say){Android.makeNewToast(say,false).show();} </code>

script_fast_run.1396291777.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/31 18:49 by trianguloy